Second Debate Stank, Ratings Tank – IOTW Report

Second Debate Stank, Ratings Tank

Just the News

Hosted at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, the debate drew about 9.5 million viewers through Fox Business, the network’s other channels, and Univision, The Hill reported, citing Nielsen data. The first debate drew in 13 million viewers, meaning the second debate saw a roughly 27% drop. More

45 Comments on Second Debate Stank, Ratings Tank

  1. I felt it was my civic duty to watch it, but only made it to 30 minutes, it was a dumpster fire, a hot mess, unwatchable.

    Fox is done as a news organization. The moderators were god-awful and they had this Univision leftist asking questions I could barely understand, bringing up every prog talking point and none of the candidates pushed back.

    I doubt there will be any more debates, those guys are all Dead Man Walking.

  2. Stank? Stank? That program STUNK OUT LOUD! What put the stank in the stank? Politics of yesteryear, no recognition of what has been done to the country by the leftist pigs. And speaking of leftist pigs, Univision was allowed to participate. Ok, but a hint where FOX is headed after the handover to the kiddos and the savage beating they took in the lawsuit.🤓sure. No one seemed to be able to make a point. All bullshit you dirty, those dirty, that rotten, you awful, you shit. Over the top of one another! Joy not, not joy just painful second tier climbing and dissembling… Ramaswamy the only positive note, spoke correctly about Trump and MAGA while holding that finger annoyingly aloft all evening. Yecchhh.

    I watch because I can’t rely on reports… FOX ‘dreamy, so sharp and well run’. CNN ‘Hitler racist transphobe…racist Hitler transphobe… transphobe Hitler racist… transphobe racist Hitler’.
    MSNBC Maddox… bluh uh… I simply can’t talk that fast, but racist transphobe sexist Hitler homophobe were in there I’m sure.

  3. I watched it all until the season premiere of Survivor started.
    It was indeed crap.
    The Spanish chick must have had English as her 8th language.
    Plus the fact she simply read democrat talking points.
    Too many assholes on the stage.
    It is Trump’s nomination to lose of course.
    If he is allowed on the ballot he wins.

    I disagree that Fox is done as a news corp.
    They still are number #1 in cable news.
    Yes they are hated here but I’m certain I’m not the only one that still watches some of their programming.
    Hell, Trumpers may bash them all they want but in reality, four hours a night five days a week have anchors that like Trump and bash biden*
    Irrefutable fact.

  4. Also read today that Melania just re-negotiated (for the third time since 2005)her prenup with DJT. The reason given was to make sure a trust was set up for Baron but I think the MSM just likes throwing cold water at the Trumps, hoping there is dissent within the ranks.

  5. @Loco. Sorry I moved on from Fox. Newsmax is way better. You’ll see your old Fox buddies there.
    Eric Bolling
    Greta Van Sustern
    Greg Kelly.

    The world has left Fox in the dumpster.

  6. I get it PHenry but just like Rumble vs You Tube, the quality just isn’t there yet.
    Some day Newsmax may catch up but as for now Fox is still #1.

    BTW, I love Chris Plante but the format they have him on is bullshit.
    He should be a one-man-band, just like Tucker.
    Instead, they have him on with others like “The Five”, including the obligatory negro-spouting-dem-talking-points.

    Chris Plante’s radio show is funny as hell, he is fast with a quip and sounds like Norm McDonald.
    They are wasting his talents at Newsmax.
    I assume they think he is too edgy on his radio show because he destroys leftists there every day.

  7. Fox really shot themselves in the balls with the Tucker fiasco. Agree about Chris Plante tv show. I listen to his radio show every day. As for Fox I like Gutfeld and Levin but not much else. Watched Trump instead of the debate.
    When my provider dropped OAN and Newsmax I dropped them.

  8. This is the line-up of scumbag hacks the swamp wants to use to fuck with Trump. I used to really like DeSantis, but imagine his ego and his disloyalty – if not his idiocy of going into business with the Bush/Rove scumbags of the GOP – in turning on Trump. He should have kept his ego in check, and he would have been vice president in 2024 and president in 2028. Fucking idiot.

  9. Imagine talking unironically about DeSantis regarding Trump and bringing up ego & disloyalty.
    Inconvenient truth:
    Only ONE of them HIRED Karl Rove, and I’ll give you a hint… It wasn’t Ron DeSantis!

    Take my advice, stay anonymous…

  10. “Right now I want a bull in the China shop. A “deft hand” sounds like a future rino.”

    Exactly. Tear this shit down. Go mid evil. It will save a lot of our lives. Time to attack these bastards.
    By the way, Trump gave a speech tonight at the Orange County Republican League and was met with people lining the streets showing support. Yes that’s Orange County California.

  11. Loco, wow, talk about changing directions. I don’t know why he didn’t pardon them. Will he if wins in 2024, I have no idea. But if he rolls into the China shop and tears shit out of the place I endorse it!

  12. Well, at least DeSantis WON’T be indicted.
    Trump has so much baggage he will be in courts of law until he dies.
    It sucks but that is reality.

    DeSantis doesn’t have the charisma of Trump, not even close, but he handles the media almost as good as Trump.
    DeSantis was re-elected in a landslide.
    Trump should have been.

  13. “DeSantis was re-elected in a landslide.”

    Due to Trump. And then the little bitch burned Trump. Fuck this guy. He failed miserably in both debates. He’s a LOSER. We need winners. We meed DJT.

  14. “Due to Trump”
    Trump had absolutely ZERO to do with DeSantis winning a second term.
    Z E R O
    Governing Florida through Fauci/Trump covid fiasco is what got him re-elected.

    BTW, why did all the Trump endorsed candidates get their asses kicked in 2022 if he was so inspirational?
    Fetterman? A brain dead fuck beat Trump’s guy.

  15. Loco, I don’t know whether you’ve come to grips with this yet, but, you are a Libtard. Ronda Asked Trump to endorse him to save his ass. Trump did. RDS turned on him. Easy to prove.

  16. Nope, try again Brad.
    DeSantis won despite Trump’s covid failures.
    In fact, Trump bestowing his final year as president to garden gnome Fauci helped contrast real leadership and thus led to a landslide victory.
    Trump failed. DeSantis succeeded.

    BTW, You Brad, are MSNBC of iotw…

  17. Speaking of that CNN wannabe Foxnews, I just saw this this morning;

    I can think of a dozen adjectives to describe Hillary, “amazing” is not one of them.

    “Unbelievable,” commented Liz Wheeler. “Because Fox & the RNC don’t want authentically conservative politicians. They want uniparty elitists. Gross.”

    You got that right.


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