Washington Examiner
Joe Biden accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination in what might have been the most awkward, unexciting way possible.
After a Democratic official announced that Biden had won a majority of the party’s delegates, the virtual event switched over to the high school library where Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, waited. This segment was obviously live because the transition was so clunky that viewers had to watch the two stand there smiling awkwardly while stringed confetti fell from the ceiling.
But don’t worry. Democrats made sure to include prerecorded applause from multiple guests, switching back and forth from the shot of the Bidens to a screen filled with floating heads and awkward clapping. And all the while, Kool & the Gang’s “Celebration” played in the background, as if to remind voters that Biden is from an era most of them can’t remember. More
“…as if to remind voters that Biden is from an era most of them can’t remember. ”
…which is fine, because Biden doesn’t remember it either…
Biden had won a majority of the party’s delegates…
No, no. Jackass Joe wasn’t elected by the delegates. Jackass Joe wuz selected to be the Trojan Horse for carrying the radical, terrorist Left into power who will hide behind the shell of an old worn out career politician who only has one thing going for him: name recognition. The man’s brain is like corrupt web browser that has 19 tabs open, 17 of which are frozen and he has no idea where the music is coming from, but they’re going use him to get into the White House at which point they will jettison him due to age-related health reasons and then proceed to raid the cookie jar and dismantle America along with everything it stands for. At that point the world will be SOL without anywhere to turn to and China will be in the catbird’s seat of world-dominating power!
Look past the facade my friends!!
Video link To a synopses
Does Joe Biden forget to wipe his ass?
Asking for a friend…
Did anyone actually expect them to run their convention any better than they did the country?
Sounds like virtual roaches. He learned about roaches.
Jerry Manderin – He must fergit to wipe his mouth too cuz there’s still bullshit left on his lips!
I hate the song Celebrate, my church unfortunately used a version of it as a worship song in the 90’s. I remember it too well and it sucks.
The real question is whether he wipes or just moves it around?
Creepy Joe is 77 years old. POTUS Trump is 74 years old. Only three years separate their ages and yet Trump still puts in a 17 hour day and his staff have a hard time keeping up with him.