Secret Service Agent Says She Won’t Take Bullet For Trump – IOTW Report

Secret Service Agent Says She Won’t Take Bullet For Trump

wash exam – A senior U.S. Secret Service agent posted Facebook condemnations of President Trump during the past seven months, including one in which she said she wouldn’t want to “take a bullet” for him.

She explained herself saying she viewed his presidential candidacy as a “disaster” for the country, and especially for women and minorities.

Kerry O’Grady, the special agent in charge of the Secret Service’s Denver district, oversees coordination with Washington-based advance teams for all presidential candidate and presidential trips to the area, including all upcoming or future trips by the president, vice president or Trump administration officials.

40 Comments on Secret Service Agent Says She Won’t Take Bullet For Trump

  1. She crossed the line numerous times.
    I would not want her or anyone who held those views to protect me or my President.
    She has the years in service, it’s time to retire or aspire to an assignment far from a decision making position who has no access to sensitive intelligence.

  2. She only wrote that she wouldn’t “want” to take a bullet for him, not that she “wouldn’t” take a bullet for him. She is forgetting (or ignoring) that the SS isn’t there to protect ‘him’ but to protect the person of the President of the United States.
    A subtle, but real, distinction.
    Apparently she has lost sight of her mission, and should be terminated.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’ll have to admit, I’d really be put to the test if I was faced with possibly taking a bullet for that jug eared vermin that just vacated. Anyway, some in the secret service have brought the standards to a lower level in the past few years. The lowering of standards is a sure bet.

  4. Why is a SS agent posting on social media? Are there no guidelines in place to tamp down such maverick behavior?
    I see no recourse in light of her admitted weakness; terminate with prejudice.

  5. Fire her. We are paying her salary. She’s another federal employee who should pack up and get out. I want to see her standing in the unemployment line. She’ll have a hard time finding meaningful employment.

  6. Affirmative action promotion. It will be tough to fire her. I can’t believe how far down this once honorable organization has sunk in the last 8 years. Looks like another swamp needs draining.

  7. Expect her to be on “The View” or “60 Minutes” any day now. She’s going to become a heroine of the lame stream media.
    Just think, from Tim McCarthy to Kerry O’Grady in such a short time?

  8. The SS in charge in Washington I suspect are reviewing her employment status right now. They need to review whether she broke SS guidelines and if so, whether it was a termination offence and if so, terminate her. The SS has done some pretty dumb things over the past few years (hookers and booze mostly) but they have done a good job protecting the Presidents regardless of their distaste for some of them and have not gone public with their opinions or some insider tidbits until after retirement. This one seems to have broken the rules and if I were Trump I wouldn’t trust her being anywhere near his trips to Colorado or wherever she’s working. If they decide it’s not a firing offense then she ought to be demoted to the lowest grade of agent and given a desk, no access to secret information and some sort of job reviewing phoney currency until she retires.

  9. SS.
    SECRET Service.
    What happened to the SECRET part?
    The Director of the CIA caterwauls on TV and the SS blathers on facebook?
    Next thing will be NSA-DIA Jello-Wrestling!
    A new version of “I’ve Got A Secret” – or “I Had A Secret?”

    WTF is wrong with us?

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Dr. Tar JANUARY 25, 2017 AT 8:57 AM
    “She can chase counterfeiters the rest of her SS career. That’s the other major functions of the Service.”

    No thanks. She would be a lois lerner type of counterfeit investigator. SHe would waste away her hours on the gov’t clock to only investigate righty-tighties for conterfeiting.

  11. This always happens when you hire a woman to do a man’s job. She ran her big “I am a woman, I won’t be exploited by mere men” mouth. Won’t do her job, fire her sorry ass. He is the duly elected President, bitch. Give the heavy lifting to a man, problem solved.

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