Secret Service director resigns – IOTW Report

Secret Service director resigns

from FOX News

Secret Service Director Julia Pierson has resigned, in the wake of several high-profile presidential security failures.

Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson announced the resignation Wednesday afternoon.

“Today Julia Pierson, the Director of the United States Secret Service, offered her resignation, and I accepted it. I salute her 30 years of distinguished service to the Secret Service and the Nation,” he said.


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31 Comments on Secret Service director resigns

  1. Okay, call me sexist but I can’t trust that a woman as the head of the Secret Service would do the job as well as a guy would. This view also applies to Chief of Police dept. (like Seattle now has) and sports broadcasting.

  2. illustr8r, I agree. There needs to be some innate ‘bad ass’ attitude that most women just don’t have (I say ‘most’ because I think Ann Barnhardt has it).

    That’s why I don’t like women clergy. Pastors should represent Jesus to their congregation and I just can’t see women representing Jesus like that. My opinion. Don’t hate me! 🙂

  3. On her way out of the building, she was tackled and restrained by an off-duty hall guard who didn’t recognize her. “Nope, never seen her before” was his comment to Capitol Police.

  4. She couldn’t completely do her work because her hair was covering one of her eyes.

    Discrimination. That is a “hot” female hairstyle and she should be able to only do half of the work of a bald man or a man with a crew cut.

  5. She couldn’t completely do her work because her hair was covering one of her eyes.

    Discrimination. She should only be required to do half of the work of a bald man or a man with a crew cut.

  6. Plain Jane – LOL!

    Let’s not forget whose fault this really is. Some idiot named Barack Obama appointed her to this job a year and a half ago, knowing full well that she could not be totally effective in the job. Knowing that it was all about image and political optics. Who’s the real traitor to the country here? All she did was step up and answer the call. Yeah, she sucked at the job. I would, too. There’s only one set of feet before which we can place this blame. Too bad these failures didn’t directly ‘impact’ him, IYKWIMAITTYD.

  7. @Grunt. Yup. She was hired after the prostitution scandal.

    The Secret Service used to be one of those agencies that one thought was above reproach. They seemed to really take pride in their work, it seemed so honorable.

    However, after the last six years, it appears that they are mirror images of the pResident and presidency they serve.

    The heifer resigned but she’ll still get a six figure pension for the rest of her life.

  8. I am sorry but I can not see the outrage with this. I think that we provide far too much security for the presidents both present and former. If he goes anywhere, you lose your rights and it is a major inconvenience. If the guy can’t handle the danger or does not understand that for 4 to 8 years he should be limited in his activity, then tell him to get another job (I do realize the security is life time, which is wrong as well).

  9. david7134, I find this whole thing remarkable. Who would have thought that a guy who received unprecedented Secret Service protection while he was still just a candidate would end up in this sad situation?

  10. “I salute her 30 years of distinguished service to the Secret Service and the Nation”.
    How is it that all of these buroweenies are praised for their dedicated service? Do they not receive pay, higher than comparable private position? Do they pay their own expenses or do they have lucrative perks? Heath benefits, cushy retirement and big bonuses.

  11. The question now becomes whether Obama threw her under the bus to cover up his own insistence that the Secret Service not be quite as vigilant as they used to be.

    The other issue is that these systemic problems have only come to light since the responsibility for the Secret Service was transferred over to Homeland Scrutiny. Notice it was Jeh Johnson who accepted her resignation, not SecTres; although any other President would have personally accepted her resignation just to drive home the point.

  12. This was inevitable, even for this clown posse.

    I saw Rep. Jason Chaffetz question her yesterday.
    She doesn’t have that “lying on short notice” thing down at ALL.
    Looked worse than the usual “deer in the headlights”.

  13. As the Romans collapsed, there came a point when the Praetorian Guard were quite literally kingmakers, selecting emperors and, if they proved incapable, just as quickly dispatching them. I wonder if we’ve reached the same point. Maybe they aren’t trying too hard to protect someone who doesn’t deserve it. Just sayin’.

  14. she had to go. A joker making it into the WH and roaming around, the whole question over whether there were gun shots or not, just not acceptable.

    It’s embarrassing actually. But this administration is already an embarrassment.

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