Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle resigns – IOTW Report

Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle resigns

Embattled Secret Service chief Kimberly Cheatle has announced she will resign from her post less than two weeks after the agency’s calamitous failure at Donald Trump’s July 13 campaign rally led to him being wounded by an assassin’s bullet.

Cheatle, a 28-year veteran of the agency, faced mounting pressure to step down in recent days but insisted all along she would remain on the job. She announced her resignation in a letter to agency staffers on Tuesday morning.

“I have, and will always put the needs of this agency first. In light of recent events, it is with a heavy heart that I have made the difficult decision to step down as your Director,” Cheatle wrote in the letter, which was obtain by The Post.

She said she didn’t want the growing calls for her resignation to be “a distraction from the great work each and every one of you do towards our vital mission.”

Following the rally shooting — which left the former president nicked in the ear, two supporters badly wounded and a volunteer fire fighter dead — Cheatle made a series of missteps that did little to reassure lawmakers or the American public that she was fit to remain in the role. more here

49 Comments on Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle resigns

  1. This was inevitable, a foregone conclusion. *yawn*
    The key question now is WHO will take the USSS top job?
    Or should we simply bring in Wagner Group?
    French Foreign Legion? Paraguayan Navy?

  2. Much as banned food additives are often replaced with alternate chemicals which possess as yet unknown dangerous attributes, so it goes with the shuffling of agency personnel. She will be replaced by someone whose worst skeletons have yet to emerge from the closet.

  3. “Cheatle made a series of missteps that did little to reassure lawmakers or the American public that she was fit to remain in the role.”

    No, no, NO!
    She made a series of missteps that proved to the American public that she was NEVER FIT for this job. She left the SS during Trump’s term (WHY!?) and was reinstalled in the third oBozo term.

    US Traitors use the back door. A revolving door.

  4. Here are two quotes from Twitter:

    “She is also being investigated for possibly committing perjury yesterday according to Rep. Luna who said she will move on a perjury charge if indeed what she did.”

    This one is from MTG:

    “On her last day on the job in @GOPoversight
    , Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle participated in a cover up of the assassination attempt of President Trump.

    Cheatle has resigned, but she may face criminal investigations for her role on 7/13 & her response in the days after.”

  5. “Cheatle has resigned, but she may face criminal investigations for her role ”

    but she may, MAY!, face criminal invesigations

  6. Would this have happened if you did impeach Mayorkas?

    They’ve tied Trump’s hands behind his back for 8 years!
    But when the dems piss on you, you welcome the gentle rain. Every damn time!

  7. True accountability requires a trial for accessory to commit murder and execution upon conviction. Meanwhile she will instead be lounging on the beach of a non-extradition country, living off her George Soros payoff.

  8. You have to ask yourself why should would go thru ten days of misery, open herself up to perjury charges to do what any person with an iota of common sense would’ve done on day one?

    She provided a ten day diversion that allowed the FBI and USSS to destroy all evidence leading back to the USSS, FBI, and, hence, the Bidens. Murdering Trump was their plan C or D. After they blew it, after that, the DNC needed to Fredo Corleone Diaper Joe ASAP. He’ll be dead within the month if he’s not dead already.

  9. The democrats calling for her to step down was a signal to Cheatle that the DNC had dealt with Biden; so he couldn’t let the cat out of the bag inadvertently. She literally had to wait for permission to resign.

  10. Anonymous
    TUESDAY, 23 JULY 2024, 11:47 AT 11:47 AM
    “AOC even called for her to step down. First time AOC made any sense.”

    …dont read too much into it. She heard “Cheatle”, thought they said “Cheeto”, figured she was related to Orange Man Bad, and kicked her out over THAT.

  11. I knew (as did many others) this whole incident would be sliding down an ugly, greasy, slippery slope into the big democRAT bubbling vat of Preposterous Bull Shit the moment she said “That building in particular has a sloped roof, at its highest point and so, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof.”

    I’m pretty sure that there are many genuine SS agents who are pissed that they, or their partners were deliberately put in extreme danger over this fiasco! Take her to the woodshed!

  12. Cheatle knows too much. It is unlikely she acted without the full knowledge and cooperation of Mayorkas and Joe and Jill Biden and others at the top. Her co-conspirators cannot allow her to live. Suicide is in her probable future. They will say she was despondent as a result of her “failures” and the beating she took at her testimony on Monday. She is toast.

  13. So, who is next totally unqualified DEI nominee to replace her as the new head of the Secret Service? Obviously, it will be someone as bad or worse and my bets on worse. I hate the friggin totally un-American, anti-God, America hating left with a purple passion. They can all got to hell as far as I am concerned.

  14. not before ordering the scene of the botched deep state assassination of President Trump completely cleaned of all incriminating physical evidence. They are trapped by what is still available and amateur investigators are coming up with theories, testing them to failure and weeding out those that don’t pass. By process of elimination we are going to get a pretty good idea of what went down. The cock and bull that is and has being put out through official channels would be laughable if this were not so serious. The people who are sorting this out have been able to swat them away without a lot of effort. What tells me that the deep state actors got caught with their pants down is that they used a Hail Mary right out of the gate. If sloped roof the team that conceived and planned this fed her that, it tells me they were not prepared for Trump surviving this. They fully expected that the chaos that would have ensued would have been so ubiquitous and the scale of it so massive that nobody would be focusing on the perpetrators of the hit.

  15. General Malaise
    TUESDAY, 23 JULY 2024, 12:39 AT 12:39 PM
    “The kid isn’t dead.

    PROVE me wrong!”

    …I cant.

    Im not going to argue whether his head should be intact or not, but a penetrating head wound with an adreniline energized cardiovascular system should bleed one HELL of a lot more than THAT.

    No autopsy report.

    No postmortem pictures.

    Only one crappy picture of his face with light wounds and blood that could just be moulage and fuzzy, distant, wrong-angle pictures of him laying on the roof, thats all we have.

    Oh, and an FBI agent hosing the roof off later, something they never do.

    …doesnt really matter tho.

    That kid wasnt the real shooter…

  16. God has other plans for former President Trump and the American people that cannot be denied by a govt. sponsored failed attempt to assassinate him a week ago Saturday on July 13. And the left is going to wish that they would’ve never attempted to kill Trump. Meanwhile no one knows what’s happened to biden.

  17. We may not ever know conclusively what exactly went down and who exactly played which part in the assassination attempt, but we are 100% going to know with 99% confidence what it wasn’t. By examining what it wasn’t, but the alphabet agencies are feeding to the Ministry of Truth for distribution those looking into this are going to be able to narrow down to who the actors were and what their roll was. This was designed to look like incompetence. That is what is known as engineered failure. It rarely, if ever works. Too many variables.

    This was a directed hit.

  18. Holden A. Grudge
    TUESDAY, 23 JULY 2024, 12:49 AT 12:49 PM
    “I have and will always put the needs of this agency first.”

    …dont SS take an oath to something OTHER than “The. Agency”?

    “An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.””
    -U.S. Code Title 5 PART III Subpart B CHAPTER 33 SUBCHAPTER II § 3331


    Nothing about putting the needs of “this agency” first.

    She wrote THAT part HERSELF…

  19. Agent Cheat’s dedication to the Shadow government is disturbing. She’s a true believer – willing to sacrifice her career and life to the real “mission”, the destruction of the United States of America by any means necessary.
    That includes setting up an assassination of a political rival. Routine for clandestine agencies managed by the left.

    She had every intention to succeed in assassinating President Trump no matter how poorly it was executed. Stopping President Trump was all her Deep State bosses wanted.

    Since she failed her assignment and resigned (as instructed), don’t expect her to go on with her life without looking over her shoulder, anticipating when, where and how her exit will happen. The Deep State doesn’t tolerate failure.

  20. “Agent Cheat’s dedication to the Shadow government is disturbing.”

    She’s far from alone. The heads of the FBI, CIA, HSS, you name the alphabets, refuse to appear before Congress. This is the Shadow Government, the people that actually run the Government, telling us to fuck off.


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