Secret Service Officer Says Clintons Thought They Had ‘Magic Royal Pot Of Money’ – IOTW Report

Secret Service Officer Says Clintons Thought They Had ‘Magic Royal Pot Of Money’

DC: In a new book, a former Secret Service uniformed officer accuses Bill and Hillary Clinton of acting as if they had a “magic royal pot” of taxpayer money at their disposal while living in the White House.

That’s according to an excerpt obtained by The Daily Caller of Gary Byrne’s soon-to-be released “Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate.”

“The Clintons believed that a magic royal pot of money somehow existed for their every whim,” Byrne writes, claiming he overheard shouted conversations about the costs of official events while stationed at the White House.

“Party rental companies refused future events until they were paid,” Byrne writes. “The discussions were plain embarrassing, but when I heard them I wasn’t eavesdropping. They were shouted in the hallway.”

9 Comments on Secret Service Officer Says Clintons Thought They Had ‘Magic Royal Pot Of Money’

  1. IT IS BECOMING increasingly difficult to look that pimp and bint in their faces in the media much less in the flesh…. two more corrupticons never existed in world history than Hillary and Billary.

  2. What a pair of gauche arrivistes, like kids in a candy store.

    I prefer Jackie Kennedy’s style of entertaining. The state dinners that she planned were elegant and memorable, and featured the most wonderful guest lists and excellent entertainment. Her goal was to make the White House a universal symbol of American hospitality.

    Hillary’s goal is, and always was, to make money

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