Secret Service Opens Fire on Car Thieves in Georgetown – IOTW Report

Secret Service Opens Fire on Car Thieves in Georgetown


The Metropolitan Police Department and Secret Service are investigating an agent-involved shooting after possibly three individuals attempted to break into a government car outside the Georgetown home of President Joe Biden’s granddaughter, Naomi Biden, according to sources familiar with the situation.

While a Secret Service spokesperson didn’t identify the protectee, he said Sunday night just before midnight in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C., Secret Service agents encountered possibly three individuals breaking a window on a parked and unoccupied government vehicle. More

22 Comments on Secret Service Opens Fire on Car Thieves in Georgetown

  1. I’ve read two articles about this and nowhere did I read that the guys breaking into the SS vehicle threatened, much less fired at, the govt agents. I’m sure that the local DA will charge the SS agent(s) with use of deadly force to protect property which I’m equally sure just HAS to be illegal in DC. </sarc>

  2. Now if you or I started blowing lead indiscriminately down a crowded street our outcome would not be optimal. Probably a woman of color. Will probably get a badge of courage under fire.

  3. Dr. Hambone
    MONDAY, 13 NOVEMBER 2023, 14:13 AT 2:13 PM
    “I wonder how many times Joe showered with Naomi.”


    Probably none.

    Raped her a bunch of times, but no shower.

  4. What a concept: the use of lethal force to protect private property! A moment of sanity from the Secret Service, although apparently the agent missed the target. Wouldn’t it be nice if ordinary citizens had such rights.

  5. Could this report be any more vague. Perps fled in a ‘red vehicle’. Was it a VW bug? An Audi? Toyota pickup? Weinermobile?

    And the Secret Service needs more time a the range.

    But it’s a Biden related story so it’ll disappear by Wednesday.

  6. …three individuals breaking a window on a parked and unoccupied government vehicle.

    That right there would get you or I arrested and charged if we discharged a firearm at someone breaking the window of our vehicle.

  7. They’ve clarified this afternoon that it was the secret services own vehicle and that was being broken into and that it was Naomi’s security detail that did the shooting.

  8. PHenry – the Weinermobile is currently under a four year lease by this administration and driven autonomously with a blow-up doll of Giggling Kami in the driver’s seat!

    …I think they just might let the SS clowns drive it periodically.

  9. …fits this guy’s style…

    “If there’s ever a problem,” Biden said he told his wife, “just walk out on the balcony here— walk out, put that double barrel shot gun and fire two blasts outside the house.”
    -Some pedophile posing as president.


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