Secret Service Travel Records Confirm Hunter Biden Trips Detailed In Emails – IOTW Report

Secret Service Travel Records Confirm Hunter Biden Trips Detailed In Emails

The Federalist-

Secret Service records revealed by two top Republican senators Tuesday confirm the details of Hunter Biden’s trips described in a series of emails obtained and published by the New York Post last week.

Hunter Biden, Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin explained, received Secret Service detail from January 2009 to early July 2014.

In one email reported by the Post, sent from Hunter Biden to his business partner Devon Archer dated Apr. 13, 2014, Hunter refers to a trip to Houston slated for “tmrw.” Secret Service records released by Johnson and Grassley corroborate details of the trip with a travel entry from Hunter Biden for Apr. 13, 2014 to Apr. 14, 2014 to Houston.

In another email published by the Post, senior Burisma adviser Vadim Pozharski allegedly wrote on May 12, 2014 of a trip to Como Lake. Secret Service records reported a travel entry for Hunter Biden to Lake Como, Italy just more than a  month earlier dated Apr. 3 to Apr. 6.

“Other reports indicate that, in May 2014, Mr. Biden and Mr. Archer may have been in Doha, Qatar,” the senators wrote. “USSS records contain a travel entry for Hunter Biden to Doha, Qatar on May 11, 2014 – May 14, 2014.”

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10 Comments on Secret Service Travel Records Confirm Hunter Biden Trips Detailed In Emails

  1. MJA he’s never been in a predicament like this, imo.
    He’s gotta run to try to stay out of jail and protect his legacy, and on the other hand, he must know that he’s gonna be pushed down the stairs on his first day if he gets elected.
    I imagine when he’s lucid, he’s scared witless.

  2. As I’ve written many times, if this was a serious scandal, Robert Woodward and Carl Bernstein would have already uncovered it. The Washington Post would have it on the front page under a banner headline. All I can assume is their investigation has turned up so much evidence of bad behavior by Dementia Joe Obiden’s misunderstood younger son, Humper Obiden, that it’s going to take another year or two before they can complete their next great piece of work. They’ve got to travel to Russia and Macedonia and China and Chappaqua and Wilmington and Washington D. C. for goodness sake! In the meantime, don’t forget to vote for the man without the drug addled, sexually perverted, ChiCom money sucking son.

  3. @MJA: It’s a matter of a day or two before he resigns. It will be on a Friday, that will give the DNC time to fall back and regroup for Monday. The most salacious emails will be coming out fast. Rudi and Steve are masters at what is about to happen to the Dems. Right now the noose isn’t tight enough. patience people. It’s just a taste for the time being, we’ll be vomiting soon with all the 100% proof stuff. It’s delicious, I can taste it now.


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