Secret Service Visits Woman Who Posted About Assassination of the President on Facebook – IOTW Report

Secret Service Visits Woman Who Posted About Assassination of the President on Facebook

She says it’s her 1st amendment right.

41 Comments on Secret Service Visits Woman Who Posted About Assassination of the President on Facebook

  1. But if I exercise my 1st Amendment right to say man-made global warming is a hoax in order for globalist elites to execute a world wide wealth redistribution scheme, I should be thrown in the gulag for crimes against humanity?

    If I exercise my 1st Amendment right to say Burrock Obummer’s real middle name, I should have my life destroyed by social justice bullies?

    If I exercise my 1st Amendment right to say that Comey should have not only been fired, but thrown in jail, then I should be tried for treason as a Russian sympathizer?

    The regressive mind in a nutshell.

  2. Secret Service ain’t so secret, is it?
    Maybe they should change their name to the “Sneaky Service” instead?
    Or the “Shitty Service?”

    Look like a couple of derelicts with “Toys R Us” badges.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. She gets away with it?? No side effects? She does it (successfully)& now FB will fill up with threats? I believe the president currently wears 3 inches of protective wear. Does he need to live in a bullet-proof bubble?

  4. Stop engaging with these whackos on their terms. This is what they want. The last thing we need is a bunch of NPCs with phone videos of their Secret Service interventions.

  5. Time to head over to a Federal Court Judge and request a 96 hr psychiatric evaluation. Plus a search warrant to check her house and background for dangerous items and interview her friends. Plus++ her employer and determine her mental stability. Plus+++ add her Brady No Gun List for purchases. Plus ++++ add her to the no fly list and etc etc etc

    BTW: If CIVICS / American Gov was still taught in school she’d know that the 1st in the BOR, does not cover or protect threats and items deemed crimes. aka Terroristic Threats”
    18 U.S. Code § 2332
    (2)Treatment of threats, attempts and conspiracies.—
    Whoever threatens to commit an offense under paragraph (1), or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be punished under subsection (c).

    Subsection C
    for threatening to commit an offense under this section, by imprisonment for not more than 10 years.

  6. What you don’t do is stand around filming a scene from “Curb Your Enthusiasm”. These sick freaks can “dear diary” on Facebook all day long, if they get bail, about their trauma at the hands of the pigs. Make them do it without pictures.

  7. “Ignorance can be cured, but studity is lifelong” ……… if you live long!! She is obviously not married. No man would have her.

    The ATF or FBI would have burnt her out…… remember Waco

  8. What in the what? These are SS? I wouldn’t let those shit-birds in the house either! What happened to looking professional and with the dress code? Sloppy looking as hell. At least some slacks with a collared shirt for crying out loud!

  9. Hmmm, had a conservative made the same comment against Obama and the SS showed up at the door, wouldn’t you want to say the same things she did?

    In fact, Obama’s lawlessness and usurpation of citizens rights was almost constant. I did not like it then and I do not like it, in this instance, and I love President Trump.

    Tgus bothers me because:
    – this woman is getting a visit while Maxine Waters, Rosie O’Donnell, and the rest of the rabid left, walks free?
    – again, it demonstrates the two tier justice America is currently under

    One thing I found refreshing, from a Trump hater, she kept her cool and did not resort to cussing.

  10. I sincerely wish to see the follow-up video, when they come back cuff and haul her ass in for questioning. A search warrant is issued for her computer phone and all relevant documents. She needs to be taken down a peg.This resist movement of the left will continue to take hold till society insists on reasserting law and order. Asking someone to shoot our president is not protected speach.

  11. If she had written these things about Oblowme her ass would have been in the back of a caged vehicle. And I agree with a previous poster– I thought all Secret Service agents wore black suits and sunglasses.

  12. Needs locked up! This the President of the United States she’s discussing for his death! If she gets by with this does that mean we can now yell fire in a movie theater? You know it’s just for kicks and giggles that’s all.

    A measly rodeo clown got fired for life for wearing an Obama mask for crying out loud.

  13. Jeesh, no one ever comes to visit me. I liked the big guy, and short stack was cool too. There’s be so much to talk about you’d have to invite them inside. One of them would have to be a dog handler, and I’d want to know if they knew who I knew. Do they remember Reagan? Do they know that trickle down is beginning to work? Will they be working on the wall? Can they get me in to see The President? Man, many things to talk about. It would give me a reprieve from watching the mailbox for coupons.

  14. Threatening the President of the United States is a federal felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871. I don’t think they’ll do anything after this “assessment” at her door. She’s poor and ignorant. Not a threat obviously.

  15. What she did was illegal. As a matter of fact, you should get a visit anytime you publicly threaten someone. It’s only fair.

    “She’s poor and ignorant. Not a threat obviously.”
    Probably not. But then, those are the type of people gangs, terrorist, etc., love to recruit.

  16. She only stated more directly what Hillary, Nancy, Chuckles, James C, Robert M, the Never Trumpers, etc have been trying to do since the last election. Oh, I almost forgot to include the celebs who have stated similar things like wanting to blow up the White House.

  17. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    Unequivocal. Thus “18 U.S. Code § 2332” is exposed as a usurpation.

    If Congress has not that authority, then neither has the Executive nor the Judiciary.

    Threats are useful – they allow us to categorize our fellows. Would anyone be aware of Mad Max Waters’ raving lunacy if she wasn’t forever threatening the President? Or Ocasio-Cortez’s treasons?

    “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
    (dead white dude)

    izlamo delenda est …

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