Secretariat in a big rush to push climate change agreement before Trump takes office – IOTW Report

Secretariat in a big rush to push climate change agreement before Trump takes office

WELLINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday the Obama administration would do everything it could to implement a global agreement to combat climate change before President-elect Donald Trump takes office.

Kerry made the comments during a visit to New Zealand just before setting off to Marrakesh, Morocco to take part in climate talks between 200 nations.

Donald Trump, who calls global warming a hoax and has promised to quit the Paris Agreement, was considering ways to bypass a theoretical four-year procedure for leaving the accord, according to a source on Trump’s transition team.

Kerry declined to speculate on what Trump might do about the Paris Agreement and noted that there was sometimes a difference between campaigning and governing.

But the top American diplomat was clear he thought further action to prevent climate change should be a priority.

“The evidence is mounting in ways that people in public life should not dare to avoid accepting as a mandate for action,” Kerry told journalists at a press conference in Wellington with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key.

“Until January 20 when this administration is over, we intend to do everything possible to meet our responsibility to future generations to be able to address this threat to life itself on the planet.” read more

27 Comments on Secretariat in a big rush to push climate change agreement before Trump takes office

  1. So sez Monsieur Jon Gigolo Metrosexual Goodhair, the Not-so-Swift-Boat, Medal-Tossing, Flip-Flopping (mostly flopping), precognitive Global Warming metrosexual meteorologist, Don’t You Know Who I Am, Live-Shot Cabana-Boy, living off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune, and the Politically Correct, Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome, who couldn’t pour the piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel…

  2. @Mr Fink, I understand they are trying to get some military grade TP, you know the stuff with splinters in it, with the x prez printed. Maybe now they can find someone willing to supply it.
    The company won’t have to worry about the EPA, OSHA or the IRS now.
    If the Progs want to know why they lost, visit any VFW, AL hall on Friday night, most there are somebody’s grandparent or parent. They been tired of this shit for 50 years.

  3. I’m pretty sure they can’t do anything permanent now unless the Senate folds. I recall when Bush left office that he didn’t sign anything or commit the US to any agreements but rather left these for Obama to either sign or not. Bush didn’t think it would be proper to saddle the incoming President with rushed bills or agreements that he would have to live with but had no input. For all of Bush’s faults he was a class act as far as exiting the WhiteHouse was concerned.

  4. Thurston Howell III ‘s retarded son wants to keep playing save the world. I guess he still has time to get James Taylor to sarinade the street scum protesters before he’s out of work.

  5. These comments are absolutely crass and crazy!! Where are this people from and why do they not take climate change seriously?? Why do they want to label “John Kerry” anything short of a HERO for trying to save our planet? Grow up, kiddies!! You’re the ones who thru your ignorance and negativity are ruining our world — not John Kerry.

  6. @Ellen, your horse lost, tear the ticket in half and get a life.
    We don’t agree cause we don’t believe the MSM at all, if you do after your nose being rubbed in the lies, pity on you.
    Go poop some place else, eh?

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