Section 230 Reform Proposed By DOJ – IOTW Report

Section 230 Reform Proposed By DOJ


The Department of Justice proposed legislation Wednesday to reform a key legal liability shield for the tech industry known as Section 230 [Commerce Decency Act].

The draft legislation focuses on two areas of reform. First, it aims to narrow the criteria online platforms must meet to earn the liability protections granted by Section 230. Second, it would carve out the statute’s immunity for certain cases, like offenses involving child sexual abuse. More

3 Comments on Section 230 Reform Proposed By DOJ

  1. …they’re all providing in-kind aid for the Democrats in violation of election laws along with constantly lying about pretty much everything and censoring opinions on a partisan basis. Not ONLY should those protections be removed, but they should be regulated and forced to give equal time just like any OTHER common carrier is, as well as brought up on FEC charges…

  2. Too little, too late. Besides, how many wrist slaps can be handed out to the tech industry?
    Do you really think there will be any real penalty?
    Do you really think that the bureaucratese will be written in such a way that lawyers can’t get out of it?
    Do you think the changes will take the liberal “fact-checkers” out of the process?

    If you answered “yes” to any of these, you might be a deep-stater (apologies to Jeff Foxworthy)


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