Secular Inquisition Comes to Iowa – IOTW Report

Secular Inquisition Comes to Iowa


The Civil Rights Commission operating in Iowa has a regulatory guideline on “sexual orientation and gender identity” (SOGI) that forces ALL organizations and entities to accommodate the perversions of the gender confused. This includes churches having to throw their bathrooms open to transsexuals who want to pee-pee with the ladies.

The commission’s SOGI guidelines contain sweeping language forbidding hostility and unwelcoming speech that could be interpreted as restricting.

Got that? Not only do churches have to comply but they can’t complain or oppose the promotion of a mental illness.


8 Comments on Secular Inquisition Comes to Iowa

  1. More votes against Hillary.

    Keep pushing assholes. Even though we don’t necessarily like Trump, you’re forcing us to vote for him. If it isn’t the gay man date (I did that on purpose) or the tranny invasion or the BLM niggah uprising it’s the Muslim and Mexican invasions.

    We’re fucking done. Finished. It’s over for you douche nozzles.

  2. No. Don’t close the restrooms. Don’t change anything that you’ve been doing all along. The time has come to simply defy these counter-cultural, anti-individual, authoritarian collectivist ukases.

    If you’re not familiar with that last word and don’t have a dictionary handy, a ukase is (from the OED),

    A decree or edict, having the force of law, issued by the Russian emperor or government.

  3. Iowa has always been a state of mostly pussies. They think of themselves as progressives who are leading to way for all the other less intelligent states. It’s how they try to seek relevance. The only thing of importance in Iowa is the farmland.

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