Security guard arrested for assault after pushing transgender woman from women’s restroom – IOTW Report

Security guard arrested for assault after pushing transgender woman from women’s restroom

WASHINGTON (WJLA) The signage outside the Giant grocery store on H St. in Northeast Washington says “welcome.” But it’s alleged that a security guard working here did not think a transgender woman was welcome to use the ladies room.

WJLA has confirmed that a transgender woman tried to use the women’s bathroom there around noon Monday.

Sources say a security guard is accused of pushing the transgender woman from the bathroom area to the store’s exit. It’s also alleged the security guard directed a homophobic slur at the transgender woman.

Tony Pixley witnessed the incident.

Pixley says, “The guy and the girl, the transgender, getting into it and throwing stuff and pushed the girl out the store and they went back and forth.”  MORE

14 Comments on Security guard arrested for assault after pushing transgender woman from women’s restroom

  1. I saw that yesterday on TV. The sanctimonious looks on the reporters made me sick. They certainly were down on the security guard, a woman, and glaringly rooting for one ugly fucking transgender. The he/she had lips like a fucking toilet plunger and the reporters were all serious an’ stuff, with frowns and all that. They clip is out there.

    My friends, we are in deep shit if this stuff isn’t faced up to and nipped at the bud.

  2. Moetom – I believe that was The Hunt for Red October with Fred Thompson playing an admiral on board the USS Enterprise. The smoke was from an F-14, IIRC, crash on the flight deck. But I could be wrong.

  3. Transgender is a state of mind. It is not reality.
    You are either what you were born or you are mentally ill.

    Why can’t these men who think they are women use a men’s bathroom?
    The stalls have doors for privacy. Stop the Transgender (liberal) War on (real) Women !

  4. This is what transgenderism and “biological subjectivism” has come to in America today… a politically correct demand that everyone agree to participate in the mental distortions of a few individuals who suffer from a psychological disconnect from their biological realities. Such ideologies stand in complete contradiction to the known science on biology and physical reality, and sadly, this mental distortion is now being thrust onto children as part of a sick, demented political agenda to appease the most lunatic fringe elements of the political spectrum.

    That agenda now demands that public schools be turned into transgender child factories, churning out confused, suicidal children who are physically and chemically mutilated by a society that applauds them for denying their biological reality. This entire agenda, now being waged against the children of America by politically motivated cultural arsonists, is nothing less than a crime against children.

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