Security Guard Who Watched Police Officer Struggling With Thug Has Been Fired – IOTW Report

Security Guard Who Watched Police Officer Struggling With Thug Has Been Fired

This clump of garbage truck juice cells holding an iPhone while a police officer struggles with a thug- who repeatedly goes for the officer’s gun- has been fired.

This video is infuriating on so many levels.

The officer is trying to cuff a 17 year-old. The thug repeatedly goes for the officer’s gun and when the officer punches him the thug plays the victim and yells to “witnesses” that he’s not doing what he’s clearly doing. (It starts young —> see VIDEO)

I write “witnesses” in quotes because these denizens are also prepared to lie their asses off, even about things that are being documented on their own phones. They aid and comfort the thug with their words, assuring him that the po-po wouldn’t dare kill him because they were videoing. They say this as the thug is trying to gain control of the officer’s sidearm and yelling his concern that the cop is trying to kill him. The officer’s gun is holstered and he’s “trying to kill him” by cuffing him.

Meanwhile, a security guard is also videoing. She’s protecting the thug by recording. The police officer at one point yells –  “Stop F-king Filming And Help Me!”

20 Comments on Security Guard Who Watched Police Officer Struggling With Thug Has Been Fired

  1. I saw Paul Joseph Watson’s piece about Sweden earlier today and saw folks attacking the police. I’m getting to the point where, when I see this type of resistance, or aggressiveness toward the police, I really just want them to step back, draw, and drop the person. I believe if it happened enough times, we would soon start to see more fear/respect and cooperation.

  2. There are too damn many liberals/commies/democrats and socialist dumb-shits that openly encourage this type of behavior.
    They need to experience a Red Wave of pushback that will result in serious pain and suffering upon their bodies.

  3. No police is just not an option. Even if they disbanded, citizens would need to do the job for self-defense reasons alone.

    Let one antifa gathering happen without police around and they’d all be retired permanently that day.

  4. His department must not carry Tazers. every officer should carry them to prevent hand to hand combat. See how well they dance with 50,000 or more of electric discharge.

  5. I would have like to have seen this video from the beginning. The cop appears to have some skills. Obviously he got the bad guy on his back. Cops got the bad guys legs wrapped up. All good. The deal is you burn tremendous amount of energy to try and control somebody that’s even passively resisting. To carry the day with out help the cop would need to get back on the offensive. I believe they call it ground and pound now days. And then BLM and the media would be after his ass like no other.
    The female security guard has two brain cells, and only one of those is working.

  6. This makes my blood boil.
    The arrogance and hatred is so visible, it makes a person nauseous.
    All I can do at this point is ask God to deliver our country…

    God in Jesus name, please clear the hearts and minds of so many lost children, who allowed themselves to be drawn in by the enemy, who hate and kill and steal, while thinking the world owes it to them. Please have mercy on them, on their victims.

    Protect your children who are being targeted because of this hate, deliver them from evil. In Jesus name. Amen.

  7. It’s too bad that the guy helping the cop didn’t know anything. He was just struggling with one of the perps arms.
    Everyone should learn a couple wrist locks, its easy and you can get complete control quickly. You can walk a person like a dog if you wanted.

  8. Why don’t cops just go home for a month? Black on black crime will cull the population tremendously. Non-criminal blacks will finally be forced into the position of getting rid of their own dead weight without the worry about “snitching” on them. White liberals (mostly unarmed) will be reduced or converted. Conservatives (almost universally gun owners) will lose a month’s pay staying home to guard their families themselves but come to no real harm.


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