‘Security Review’ – IOTW Report

‘Security Review’

hillary clinton security review

You Say Scandal, Hillary Clinton Says ‘Security Review’ | SUPERcuts! #316

10 Comments on ‘Security Review’

  1. G*d I hate that F*cking Bitch.

    I know there are die-hard Cruz and die-hard Trump supporters here who really detest each other’s candidates but I swear to you right now that either of them is better than this effing lying whore!

  2. When she gets her pass, be it ‘not enough evidence’ to prosecute, or a Presidential pardon, she will cackle and ascend to the Presidency.
    Then we will know for certain that God has turned his favor away from us.
    It will be time to turn away from the world.
    To abandon the GOP, abandon everything outside the fence line, except for close friends, faith, family, dogs and Work.
    Prepare for the worst that will surely come.
    It will be a time that I must realize that the country has gone astray, and that electing people I agree with will no longer fix it.
    The brakes are out on a mountain road, its getting dark and the headlights don’t work
    ..steering seems pretty pointless now.

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