Sedition against a sitting US President? New J6 whistleblowers bust the case wide open – IOTW Report

Sedition against a sitting US President? New J6 whistleblowers bust the case wide open


The left’s J6 narrative hinges on the idea that President Trump was orchestrating an “insurrection” to overthrow the US government. But think about it—if that were true, wouldn’t he want as few cops around as possible? Yet, Trump actually requested 10,000 National Guard troops to be at the scene. It doesn’t add up, right? How does that fit their wild “insurrection” story? If you’re planning to overthrow the government, why on earth would you ask for more law enforcement to be there? That pesky little fact blew so many holes in the uni-party narrative. Meanwhile, those traitors on the J6 Committee knew full well that President Trump had requested the National Guard, but they buried that fact because it totally wrecked their “insurrection” theory. But as always, the truth has a way of coming out, doesn’t it? more

11 Comments on Sedition against a sitting US President? New J6 whistleblowers bust the case wide open

  1. Remember, if you’re a Democrat you fear Police/National Guard as there is a possibility they may adhere to their oath of duty and the constitution. That’s everything Democrats are against.

  2. @ Different Tim
    Remember Obama’s Inauguration parade? Where all of the marching troops were carrying M-14’s with the bolts removed? They are afraid of the Constitution!

  3. This is great news, but all it’s going to take is one more Republican congressman to resign, and the dems will take over leadership, an poof! There goes the committee.

  4. “bust the case wide open”, “bombshell”, “smoking gun”.
    No sh!t Sherlock.
    Tell us something we didn’t already know, and nothing will be done.
    It’s obvious congress is corrupt, even those pretending to be on our side.

  5. Where’s the alligator at? Cause this is load of crock. Requested what? So where exactly were these 10,000 guard members? Did Nancy send them packing? We all love a good fairy tale, cause this is sure one.

  6. @Taulking Head, that was a joke.
    No sense of humor. Listen, read my lips, there is ONLY one person who contols the military. The National Guard was never called that day. 2nd the Commander & Chief don’t do requests, they are called orders. Fake claim all day long.


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