See Something, Say Something – IOTW Report

See Something, Say Something


41 Comments on See Something, Say Something

  1. So, according to Barry, cops can’t shoot blacks, as we are all now well aware. And now this, muslims can make mock bomb devices and they are not to be arrested, but congratulated instead. And so fucking what if they decide to make a real bomb one day. Barry knows they won’t target his moslem traitor ass.
    Do whateverthefukk you want, so long as your name is muhammad or a derivative thereof, or you are a black 0bama supporter. and Death To America!

  2. FB Suckerburg said he would hire this kid for his invention. And that gets me to my point in this whole thing. I am an electronics tech all my working years, I am 57 yo. That stuff in that case was off the shelf stuff. There was no inventing anything about it. If Suckerburg wants him I say we give him his wish, you know, just in case the brief case alarm clock comes back in style. Better it go off at FB than a school.

  3. It sounds like he just took apart a clock. A monkey could do that.

    “Clearly, there were disassembled clock parts in there, but he offered no more explanation than that,” McLellan said. “A lot of these details that the family and he have provided to you were not shared with us yesterday. He was very much less than forthcoming.”

    McLellan is one of the cops. The whole thing is a set up. Special rights for moslems, a slap in the face of infidels, a future butt-buddy for Barry.

  4. I have to share this from the Hot Air comments section:

    For those whining about ‘Islamophobia’…

    Where were YOU when schools adopted ‘Zero Tolerance’ policies?

    Where were YOU when…AL: 5 year-old girl forced to sign ‘No Suicide’ contract after drawing pic of gun?

    Where were YOU when…SC: 6 year-old boy expelled for bringing plastic toy gun to school?

    Where were YOU when…CO: 6 year-old boy suspended; charged with sexual harassment for kissing girl?

    Where were YOU when…MD: 7 year-old boy suspended for eating Pop-Tart into shape of gun (or mountain – YMMV)?

    Where were YOU when…OH: 10 year-old boy suspended for ‘finger gun’?

    Where were YOU when…VA: 10 year-old boy arrested after toy gun found in school backpack?

    Where were YOU when…UT: 14 year-old boy arrested for bringing toy gun to school?

    Where were YOU when…LA: 8th grader arrested for throwing Skittles on school bus?

    Where were YOU when…AZ: 15 year-old boy suspended for having agun pic as his computer background?

    Where were YOU when… ‘Zero Tolerance’ policies in schools were enacted?

    Where were YOU when…kids as young as 5 were being detained or suspended for ‘violating’ schools’ ‘Zero Tolerance’ policies?

    Where were YOU when…we were vocalising our disgust at the ridiculousness of school ‘Zero Tolerance’ policies?

    Where were YOU when…we were screaming how school ‘No Tolerance’ policies were ending asinine arrests, suspensions or expulsions of blacks for absolutely ridiculous things?

    Where were YOU when…we were condemning the idiocy of school ‘Zero Tolerance’ policies?

    Where were YOU when…we were screaming how school ‘No Tolerance’ policies were ending asinine arrests, suspensions or expulsions of Latinos for absolutely ridiculous things?

    Where were YOU when… we were screaming about all of this ridiculousness?

    Where were YOU when…we were screaming how school ‘No Tolerance’ policies were ending asinine arrests, suspensions or expulsions of whites for absolutely ridiculous things?

    Why is it that YOU only weigh in now that school ‘Zero Tolerance’ policies and overreaction have affected a Muslim?

    Bishbop on September 16, 2015 at 6:20 PM

  5. Remember the kid kicked out of school for chewing a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun? Leftists were sooooooo glad that the “zero tolerance” threshold had been taken seriously. Not so much when a Muslim with something that looks indeed like a suitcase bomb.

  6. Remember, if only 15% of Muzloids are “radicals” then that means there was a very real 15% chance this kid was there to blow up the school that day.

    The response to this incident is disgusting. Some people were outraged by the squirt gun pop tart finger gun suspensions, but now EVERYONE is “outraged” by what they did to this muzzy dork.

    WTF. Someone with MOhammed in their name has a box of wires counting down in a back pack? It don’t matter what his GPA is, get him away from there and interrogate his ass.

  7. Why would a digital clock make any noise at all? Now that I see the whole setup (PBUBFH), it’s clear why the teacher was alarmed.
    Not so from the photo of the circuit board the MSM published.

  8. Seems all the defenders of the muzzie are the same retards who applaud the suspension of students wearing/displaying the American flag in school.
    The teacher who was first shown the device should have taken it then, wouldn’t have been a problem. My guess is he was afraid of what may have happened to him for profiling, a fear since confirmed.
    We get it, you Progs hate American culture, why are you still here?

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