See What Cindy McCain Says About Epstein – IOTW Report

See What Cindy McCain Says About Epstein

Cindy McCain, wife of Senator John McCain, confesses that the elites knew about Epstein, but no one did anything. They’re all in. Of course this is not in the news. Let everyone listen to this from her, share with your family and friends. Everybody’s got to open their eyes.

25 Comments on See What Cindy McCain Says About Epstein

  1. My wife and I saw the movie yesterday. I didn’t really want to see it but I am glad that I did. What, if anything, can be done? Right now, we have a pedo in the highest position in our nation. Do we add another quest, no matter how righteous it is, to our very fight for survival?

    We’re being attacked on all fronts and I fear that we have seen only a small fraction of what they have in store for us.

    I’m glad I’m no longer young.

  2. Progressives are rather fond of the “royal we.” She and her worthless husband were solidly among the ones controlling the progressive agenda. To have one of them apply the royal we in a context where it is absolutely applicable is very rare. I have not been a fan of hers, but have to salute her for this. Now, if she really wants to do something admirable and leave a legacy she can be proud of, she could.

    Other than that, she gets kudos for a verbal “Strongly Worded Letter.”

  3. that clip was from 2020
    in 2021 cindy resigned from the AZ human trafficking council where she sat on the board since 2013
    cindy sat on a human trafficking board knowingly covering up the truth about epstein
    the sound of freedom draws a big red line between good & evil
    cindy’s on the wrong side along with anyone who helps facilitate this evil

  4. So Cindy and McShame knew about it the whole time….and were afraid of him?
    Hmmmm…..that brings up a whole slew of questions about her and her two faced husband.
    It also takes any legitimacy away from her and her spouting off for that stupid NO H8 campaign.

  5. …if Songbird raped hus daughter along the way like his hero Pedo Joe did HIS daughters and granddaughters, it would certainly explain a large number of things about how she acts now…

  6. They don’t say anything because they all have the same master.

    19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

    20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

    John 3:19-20

  7. Come on guys, they weren’t afraid of him. They were afraid of the exposure and other people still involved.
    And then would shut off the power and gravy train.
    The main reason they are so afraid of Trump. Is Trump perfect?
    Hell no. But the best we got.

  8. SNS – …if Songbird raped hus daughter along the way like his hero Pedo Joe …

    Which further confirms my belief that dumbest sonovabitch who ever resided in the White House never went to Pedo Island because he wasn’t filthy or perverted enough, but because he can’t keep his pie-hole shut and would be blabbering and bragging about it for years to come!

  9. They weren’t afraid of Epstein they are afraid of the CIA. The CIA has been the largest criminal organization in the world since 1946. The Western Intelligence agencies all work for the global cabal elite. Child trafficking and child serial exploitation has been a revenue stream for them as well as global gun running and drugs.

    They sactioned the murder of Epstein who was a CIA member from his college days while the Department of Just Us facilitated it.

    Our government is corrupt to its filthy core.

  10. the Cia works for the central bankers.
    the fbi works for the federal reserve.
    it’s in their names.
    that should be all you need to know about them to determine why they do what they do.
    we lost our politicians long ago.
    the money bought them.

  11. McCain reneged on her chance to say anything back when it mattered.
    It matters now what Epstein would say about Cindy’s POS husband.

    Human mortality is another gift from God.

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