Environmental scientists headed to Ohio for the clean-up die in a plane crash …
— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) February 23, 2023
… in Little Rock, Arkansas. pic.twitter.com/pPIHVsRnhN
20 Comments on Seems Fishy – Environmental Scientists Headed to Ohio for the Clean-Up Die in a Plane Crash
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There are no coincidences.
Since this happened in Arkansas can it be considered to be another Arkancide?
Well that’s never happened before 🙄
… did they crash on a grassy knoll?
… autopsy will reveal all died of suicide
… participated in Jan6?
… mentioned on Brat Son Biden’s laptop?
… broke into Nan Pelosi’s house for a rendezvous w/ Pappa Pauli?
… all had young children that were invited to Joe Biden’s 80th birthday sleepover?
the list is endless …
Their last words as they boarded the plane were “We have evidence that will lead to the arrest and conviction of Hillary Clinton.”
You forgot covid, ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ
Re-Read Atlas Shrugged,
It is the second most significant book in Modern History.
You do not need a conspiracy on a grand scale to achieve the BREAKDOWN that WE are Witnessing.
Some facts:
People Retired, Quit, or Got Fired due to COOF and/or Forced Vaccines.
2 years of Trade schools closed or not teaching proper “Hands On” due to COOF.
Parts & Equipment shortages.
Maintenance & Rebuilds being Ignored or unable to be performed.
20 years (minimum) of a Pathetic edumacashun Systum that CAN NOT teach Maff & Engrish because the teachers are also ILLITERATE.
The creation of WOKE JOBS.
Chicken farms, train Derailments, Boilers Blowing up, Gas Leaks (not nordstream), Collapsing infrastructure, INFLATION DUE TO WAR & COOF…
Are the result of what YURI BEZMENOV & Ayn Rand Warned about, Not just sabotage.
Never feel Guilty because you have skills & talent.
We’re the victims found hanging in a tree, with and electric cord around their neck and a shotgun gun blast to the chest? Yup, most likely a plane crash.
Kcir FEBRUARY 22, 2023 AT 10:33 PM
I like the way you think son. Scary, but none the less a good summary. While they’ve made the segway from “1984” to “This Perfect Day” for their blue print; we have going Galt.
Terrible weather in my neck of the woods and many without power. There’s much to be said for the failing infrastructure. Rain/Ice storms and wondering how long some will be without.
At the Bill & Hillary Clinton International Airport in Little Rock, no less.
Picking up where Joe6 left off. There was a former Clinton adviser hung by the neck from a tree, wired to the tree, shot through the heart with a shot gun, and it was just ruled a fucking suicide. No gun found on site. Reportedly this aide, who had a young family, could have connected Billies little dick to under aged girls on a special little island. When is enough?
Arkansas…go figure.
Who is John Galt?
Well, what a coincidence. Shot gun blast to the chest and no gun at the murdercide location. Same thing happened to Vince Foster. No blood either. Ruled a suicide also. Can you believe it?
Ohio doesn’t need “environmental scientists,” anyway – Ohio needs HAZMAT workers.
Guys skilled in the crafts of cleaning that shit up.
Asbestos guys know how to make containments and work in them – call them.
No place for eggheads – they just slow shit down.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
FEBRUARY 22, 2023 AT 10:33 PM
“2 years of Trade schools closed or not teaching proper “Hands On” due to COOF.”
…THAT’S going to bite us in the ass HARD. As a young wrench you need to develop a “touch” to learn what the breaking strain is for various fasteners, when tight is too tight or not tight enough, when you have that ferrule crushed enough vs. stripping the nut and having to cut the line and start over, etc. These and much more are PHYSICAL skills that you CANNOT learn in a book, you MUST develop the ability to know with your own muscles how its going to play out, and you can ONLY gain experience through repitition, there is no other way.
Its everywhere too.
One of the more ridiculous examples was a CPR class I was in with many young, totally inexperienced people where they WOULD NOT ALLOW RESCUE BREATH PRACTICE. They said for testing purposes you were to bend over the mannequin and SAY “Breath, Breath”, but DON’T ACTUALLY DO IT.
…so if they ever have to for realz, they will either be totally ineffective (easy to forget things like pinching the nose, tilting the head, watching the chest rise, and even knowing to breathe hard enough to MAKE the chest rise), or go to town and blow a lung out or cause the poor guy to puke and asperate.
The first time I had to do CPR at my factory I did it 2 man with my EHS guy, and he had no practical experience and so got real excited when the dead kid we were working went “huuUuuuuHhH!” after I did rescue breaths. I had to explain to him that was just MY breath coming back out and not his and that we needed to continue. Only experience teaches you little things like that, which is what makes hands-on so important.
Or they will quail completely about it and just do compressions only, which is a “thing” now, but doesn’t give the best chance. I consider it pretty half-assed myself and I’m not sure what people think they are doing if they half heartedly try to save a life. Anything is better than nothing, I suppose, but some things are worthy of maximum effort even at personal risk, which is something ELSE the apparently don’t try to teach any more.
…it kind of makes me wonder, in the wider modern medical world where they have been afraid of sick people since 2020, if they are doing REAL, bloody training THERE or if they are just playing Surgeon Simulator 2020 and considering the virtual to be as good as the actual.
Bodies and cars aren’t that different in that they are both driven by mechanical processes and electrical and chemical energies…and you NEED to have HANDS-ON experience with BOTH.
It looked like a balloon to me.
The Clinton name is attached to it.
We are being taken over in real time by our own government.
Did a polyvinyl chloride smoke plume bring the plane down?