Seems Odd… – IOTW Report

Seems Odd…

44 Comments on Seems Odd…

  1. Last month: Incessant emails, commercials, History Channel shorts about the wonderful contributions of black folk.
    This month: Incessant emails, commercials, History Channel shorts about the wonderful contributions of women folk.

    What kind of horseshit does April bring?

  2. Burr, looker on the bright side
    MARCH 12, 2021 AT 6:26 PM
    “Hitler was born in April….”

    …well, since I’m White, I’m literally Hitler ANYWAY, so any OTHER point of comparison is just gravy (WHITE gravy, as it were…)

  3. @ SNS

    Here you go:

    April is “National Month” Calendar
    African American Women’s Fitness Month
    Alcohol Awareness Month
    Black Women’s History Month
    Celebrate Diversity Month
    Confederate History Month
    Distracted Driving Awareness Month
    Financial Literacy Month
    Foot Health Awareness Month
    Fresh Florida Tomato Month
    Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month
    Keep America Beautiful Month
    Lawn and Garden Month
    Mathematics Awareness Month
    Month of the Military Child
    National Arab American Heritage Month
    National Autism Awareness Month

    National Canine Fitness Month
    National Cancer Control Month
    National Cannabis Awareness Month
    National Car Care Month
    National Child Abuse Awareness Month
    National Couple Appreciation Month
    National Deaf History Month (March 13 to April 15)
    National Decorating Month
    National Donate Life Awareness Month
    National Fair Housing Month
    National Fresh Celery Month
    National Garden Month
    National Humor Month
    National Internship Awareness Month
    National Jazz Appreciation Month
    National Minority Health Month
    National Month of Hope
    National Multiple Birth Awareness Month
    National Occupational Therapy Month
    National Parkinson’s Awareness Month
    National Pecan Month
    National Poetry Month
    National Safe Digging Month
    National Soft Pretzel Month
    National Soy Foods Month
    National Straw Hat Month
    National Volunteer Month
    National Welding Month
    Occupational Therapy Month
    Pets are Wonderful Month
    Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
    Records and Information Management Month
    School Library Month

    Scottish American Heritage Month
    Second Chance Month
    Sexual Assault Awareness Month
    Sexually Transmitted Infections Awareness Month
    Stress Awareness Month
    World Landscape Architecture Month

    FFS, God help us all.

  4. @Hunter — I see April is Celebrate Diversity Month, so I’ll make a point of pulling out of the safe a few guns I haven’t shot in a while and go shoot ’em. I’ll have to be a bit frugal with the ammo, though.

    Oh, hey! I find shooting guns relaxing, so I’ll be double-celebrating Diversity and Stress Awareness Month

  5. Now, now. Haven’t you all heard that neatness and attention to detail are examples of white privilege, and thus bad? Someone’s just giving them what they asked for.

  6. Hunter
    MARCH 12, 2021 AT 6:33 PM

    …that’s quite a list, burner, and some things aren’t compatible.

    …I mean, how can you have “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month” and “Scottish American Heritage Month” at the same time when you KNOW the reason Scotsmen wear kilts is so they don’t scare the sheep?

    (I can joke, I’m a quarter Scots, even play the pipes at funerals. But unlike SOME people’s, we can take a joke, and I’ve heard THAT one a thousand times…

    …but being White, we’re not allowed to be offended anyway, so awa’ n bile your head, ye haggis-ficed galoot!)

  7. Anymouse
    MARCH 12, 2021 AT 7:51 PM
    “Second Chance Month

    Second chance at what?”

    …if it’s Presidential Elections, I’m all for it…

  8. Show some respect! From ’60 to ’65 I ironed my clothes! Proud of it!

    As proud as I am off the CiiCom I killed 2 years later!

    IMHO manual labor should be admired!

  9. Burr, nitrous fueled funny car
    MARCH 12, 2021 AT 8:10 PM
    “It’s welding month.

    I wonder if Hitler knew how to weld.”

    …well, he welded the most feared army of all time out of laughable private militias like Weber’s Oberland Bund, so there’s that…

  10. Burr, tic tic tic BOOM
    MARCH 12, 2021 AT 9:09 PM
    “Gee… there anything Hitler couldn’t do?”

    …he probably could have worked on his “people” skills a bit, at least to the point of not murdering them for their religion, and perhaps he could have polished his PR skills just a skosh, too…

  11. Al, I just noticed it’s safe digging month.

    If you know where any are buried I’d be glad to help dig it up.
    Didn’t really know burying safe’s was a thing… but I got some shovels.

    Who knows? Maybe we’ll find Hitlers safe.


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