Seen in the Ted Cruz Store – IOTW Report

Seen in the Ted Cruz Store

H/T illustr8r

Screen Shot 2016-01-27 at 11.24.40 PM

33 Comments on Seen in the Ted Cruz Store

  1. LOL! That didn’t take long. So…Cruz is marketing for Trump now, too?

    OT — but kinda in the mix: Pastor “Obama is a long-legged mack daddy!” Manning has just endorsed Trump and has launched “in full mode, Harlem for Trump.” He also vows to spread the message across the country to every ghetto touched by obama’s administration and every other Democrat. Manning was one of the forty or so black ministers who met with Trump earlier in January.

  2. I’d love for him to debate Cruz 1:1, but I think there’s at least one more debate between the start of the primaries and the convention. But between now and the IA, NH and SC caucuses/primaries, Trump’s schedule is wicked full.

    Funny how Cruz has tried to interject himself into this situation between Trump and FNC. It’s not about debating Cruz, it’s about FNC trying to set Trump up for a take down. One would have to wonder about Trump’s judgement if he’d walked straight into their trap.

  3. The whole idea of the citizenship rules set forth by the founders was to prevent someone that may have dual loyalties between America and another country from being able to harm America because of it. I agree that Cruz is completely American in his loyalties, so in spirit, he would meet the standard set forth by the founders. As you say though, legal technicalities could prove to be an issue (even though he is at least as eligible as Obama).

  4. AA – One thing Trump is a master at is sucking all of the oxygen out of a room (not saying that as a negative – he has worked the media like a svengali to keep himself front and center). I think Cruz and the others are being starved of oxygen at a critical time by this whole Fox thing, so he really has no choice but to try to stick his head up somewhere at this point so his chances don’t suffocate before the vote is even cast.

  5. Anonymous was me – I call myself being careful to identify myself but over the last couple of days it’s happened repeatedly. Don’t know if it’s all me or something going on with the site.

    Trump wouldn’t really have to even entertain the idea – he could brush it off as Cruz being desperate and just give the veteran’s organizations a couple of million $ just for good measure.

  6. Cruz offer is silly on several levels. PAC money is what Trump is mocking others over. Trumps absence allows Cruz be center stage and all he is doing is helping the focus remain on Trump. It also helps to firmly establish this is Trumps race to lose, not Cruz’s to win.

  7. My feeling is that Cruz let his ambition to become President take over. I don’t think such a intelligent, well educated person could have ZERO idea that there would be a legal problem due to the eligibility restrictions. I just don’t see how that could be. Especially when you read this statement he made just as it came to national attention that he was born in Canada;
    “As you know, I was born in Canada. My mother was a U.S. citizen at the time of my birth. She was a U.S. citizen from birth so, under U.S. law, I’m an American citizen by birth.” “Beyond that,” he added, “I will leave the legal consequences of those facts to others to worry about.”

    “so, under U.S. law, I’m an American citizen by birth.” He did not claim he was a “natural born Citizen”, though he did later claim repeatedly that “it” was settled law. It is not settled law. To his credit he has stopped saying that.

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