Self-Defense Brigade Deploys in Hartford – IOTW Report

Self-Defense Brigade Deploys in Hartford

Trendy Digest

In Hartford’s North End, a predominantly Black neighborhood, a new force is on patrol. The “Self-Defense Brigade,” a group of about 40 legally armed citizens, has taken it upon themselves to monitor their streets, primarily on nights and weekends. The volunteers, equipped with body cameras and reinforced by a dozen drones and 75 surveillance cameras, argue that their presence is essential in a community where they feel the local government has failed to protect them.

The Democratic machine in Hartford [CT] is either unwilling or unable, incapable of doing it, and people are paying their tax dollars, and they’re not really getting any kind of service,” said the brigade’s founder, Cornell Lewis. He maintains that self-defense is not a concept to be shunned, and that the brigade is there to bolster a sense of safety. More

9 Comments on Self-Defense Brigade Deploys in Hartford

  1. Welcome to O’Bidens America, anything to keep the fear level up.
    I hope they have 811 on speed dial, D liberal judges will just release them.

    “Praying alone will never fix it. We can pray all day, but it’s just some stuff we need to do.”

  2. This is a pretty big thing. The second one I’ve heard about. The first is in NorCal. The town of Redding. But this one is in Libville USA. Expect to see a lot more of them.

  3. We could use that here in my conservative Texas city. There are teens out walking the neighborhood in pairs and more breaking into cars every night until about 4 a.m. Most of these teens are dreamers. (95% have surnames ending in “z”)

  4. Racists, obviously.

    Wanna bet that if they do anything, they will be held on $1,000,000 bond before the book gets thrown at them? It will be just like the DOJ telling Texas they can’t enforce the border.

  5. “However, the group’s formation has stoked concerns about vigilantism, particularly from Hartford’s Mayor Arunan Arulampalam.”
    How the F are you supposed to pronounce that?

  6. Glad this did not happen in Illinois, Missouri, New York or California.
    Those folks would be handed of 30 year felony possession of trying to defend your property. Kudo’s to them!

  7. What you got here is a militia. As things disintegrate in the US and when the MILLIONS of invaders let in by Biden go on the rampage, militias will break out all over the country.

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