Self-Driving Cars To Be Put On Pause Until “We can figure out what’s going on.” – IOTW Report

Self-Driving Cars To Be Put On Pause Until “We can figure out what’s going on.”

Sounds like what Trump was ridiculed for.

California Wants To Ban Self-Driving Cars, Though It’s Not Sure Why…

California’s legislature set out in 2012 “to encourage the current and future development, testing, and operation of autonomous vehicles on the public roads of the state”—but now, the state is poised effectively to ban such cars from the roads and highways. The Department of Motor Vehicles held a public workshop inSacramento in late January and another in Los Angeles in early February to discuss draft regulations for autonomous vehicles. Though the rules won’t be finalized before the end of the year, the news so far isn’t good—for the cars. Under the cover of “consumer protection,” the DMV proposes to limit the rollout of autonomoustechnology by, among other things, barring its commercial use, precluding truly autonomous operation, and prohibiting private sale and ownership of self-driving cars.

The idea of cars or trucks operating without steering wheels or human drivers is exciting to entrepreneurs and commuters. Google’s autonomous car would have no steering wheel, or even pedals. A delivery service such as Google Express would likely roll out without drivers. Uber is researching how to replace drivers as well. Shipping and logistics companies also envision a future when goods move from harbors to warehouses in autonomous trucks. More than a dozen disabled activists appeared at the hearing in Los Angeles to urge the DMV to allow purely autonomous vehicles, saying they would be a boon for people, such as the blind, who are incapable of driving right now. But the idea is terrifying to bureaucrats and regulators. The DMV’s smothering—and costly—approach will likely become state policy, squelching such innovations.


14 Comments on Self-Driving Cars To Be Put On Pause Until “We can figure out what’s going on.”

  1. Racist, bigoted, hateful, demeaning, harmful, degrading, sexist, demoralizing. Autonomous vehicles deserve to be on the road no matter the expense, even if it’s your family that gets wiped out by one. It’s only one, call it radical workplace violence that’s an isolated case.

  2. It’s not just exciting to entrepreneurs and commuters, many leftists are very much excited about this. That means that they’re going to make every effort to have us all pay for yet another of their Utopian dreams. Naturally, when the after effects appear, one of which will be higher unemployment (the little darlings never consider the consequences of their actions) we’ll need to make larger the social safety net under the umbrella of bigger government.

    The Bernouts can’t wait.

  3. Why don’t they just enclose everyone in a large shatterproof, self sustaining plastic bubble (sort of the like the bubble that swallowed Number 7 in The Prisoner back in the 60’s every time he tried to escape) where no one would ever get hurt. Don’t you think they’d like they’d like to turn us all into hamsters or gerbils, they would if they could. And think about all the “free electricity” it would create.

  4. A more reasonable ban might be to stamp out autonomous breathing progtards instead. However, not from driving but from existing outside of laboratory conditions. Imagine how much time can be shaved off your commute when there are 40 million less progs on the road

  5. Previously I was of the opinion that Google had reached the pinnacle of it’s technical abilities when it rendered the back button useless on browsers.
    Somehow, probably inspired by the Shart cars and other ridiculous forms of transportation, they came up with the idea to ruin something else.
    Those things embody the behaviors that raise ones blood pressure when driving. They drive too slow, do the creep and stop and creep and stop and creep and stop routine at stop signs, won’t make a left unless there is 1/4 mile of space, the list is long but I guarantee you that once they take the person riding along out of the vehicles a lot of them are going to get killed. (the cars, not the riders)
    Oh one other thing they do. When they get confused they just stop wherever they are. Even in an intersection.

  6. A “self driving car” is tailor made for terrorism. Only an idiot or someone hell bent on promoting terrorism e.g. a progressive would think that having driverless cars running around is a good idea.

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