Self-Identification – IOTW Report


Obama will go to great lengths to make sure everyone goes along with a person’s right to self-identify as a different gender. He also goes to great lengths to scrub anyone’s assertion that they identify as an Islamic terrorist and that they are killing in the name of Allah.

ht/ NM

11 Comments on Self-Identification

  1. Hillary identifies as a shape shifter.
    Loco-haunt-us identifies as a sneaky, mean mouthed snake in the grass.
    Harry Reid does a damn good job as a jackass.
    Nancy Pelosi, gads I don’t know what she thinks she is, but she fails.
    Paul Ryan is a joke.

  2. Barry is the caliphate’s laundry girl; scrubbing and cleaning, day after day. Working those scrawny fingers all the way down to their hardened dogshit core.

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