Self-Loathing White Professor Goes On idiotic Anti-White Rant, Gets Called Racist By Unexpected Non-Ally – IOTW Report

Self-Loathing White Professor Goes On idiotic Anti-White Rant, Gets Called Racist By Unexpected Non-Ally

A self-loathing anti-white white Rutgers professor went on a senseless racist tirade on Facebook.

Trying to win the top honors in virtue signaling to blacks, the moron wrote how he wanted to quit the white race because of white children he witnessed eating in a Harlem restaurant. Harlem is HIS NEIGHBORHOOD, and he took offense to other white people eating there. (??)

I guess he expected the owners of the restaurant to be down with his progressive radicalism.

Uhh no. They banned him from the restaurant and wanted their names to be completely disassociated from him.

One owners are two women, one black, one white.


17 Comments on Self-Loathing White Professor Goes On idiotic Anti-White Rant, Gets Called Racist By Unexpected Non-Ally

  1. In a neighborhood that’s comprised of 15% blacks and about the same mexicans, my family ate at Golden Corral tonight, it was our first time there. We were the only white people there. I was surprised the food was actually decent. My surprise wasn’t because blacks and mexicans don’t eat decent food, surprised because buffet food usually sucks. (Shame I need to clarify that). I must additionally clarify though, after watching some of those pigs eat tonight my faith in the human race has been taken down a notch. Not because blacks and mexicans ate like pigs, but because members of the human race ate like pigs, literal animals. I should bitch, say I’m offended and force Golden Corral to be a black tie event instead of a pig slop fest. That’ll probably go over like a lead balloon, similar to what my stomach feels like right now.

  2. Gas station pizza is better than CiCi’s.
    I get 2 slices at the Shell station and
    3 red bulls Ye Ha ! ready to work on my
    race truck…

  3. The loony professor must have caught the Shaun King bug. There seems to be an epidemic of it sweeping the country. These people are embarrassing.

  4. This is whut happens when ya O.D. on Dolezal®….

    “I am a white people”
    Hey Livingston! English much there at Rutgers?
    If you hate yerself that much just end it. Put yerself out of yer obvious misery. Trust me, everyone around you will be grateful!

  5. White Uncle Toms think that if they bash their own race, black people will respect them.

    Guess what? They don’t. And that’s because blacks don’t respect anyone who hates himself.

  6. He’s not “loony” he’s a panderer.

    See, it’s his superiority as a white guy that allows him alone to “see” the “racism” that goes on around us, while the “non-racist people of color” only vaguely perceive it – as a sort of background mist – they need his vastly superior knowledge and perception to lead them out of the fog and into the light of the totalitarian utopia. These opportunistic shit-stains are pretty transparent – to all but themselves – they’re too clever by half. I’m sure any “minorities” who read his drivel roll their eyes and do that tongue-in-the-cheek thing.

    izlamo delenda est …


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