Sen. Joe Manchin: Trump Administration Gets It on Coal Regs – IOTW Report

Sen. Joe Manchin: Trump Administration Gets It on Coal Regs

Breitbart: West Virginia Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin III praised President Donald Trump’s reversal Tuesday of President Barack Obama’s “Clean Power Plan,” which created a regulatory regime that targeted the coal mining industry and coal-fired energy plants.

“Since I was governor, I have fought against unnecessary bureaucratic regulations that harm our way of life with no regard for the catastrophic economic impacts they have on West Virginians,” said the only Democrat to stand and applaud during the president’s joint address to Congress.

“We need to strike a balance between the environment and the economy. The Clean Power Plan never achieved that balance. Rolling back this regulation is a positive step towards preventing further job loss, increases to consumer energy bills, and more damage to our economy,” he said.

“We must stop ignoring the damage these regulations caused our energy sector, our economy and our way of life in West Virginia,” the senator said.  more here

10 Comments on Sen. Joe Manchin: Trump Administration Gets It on Coal Regs

  1. What is taking him so long?! Other than greed and personal enrichment what the hell makes today’s politicians tick? That is part what makes Trump so appealing to me, he is leaving hundreds of millions of dollars on the table to do what he believes is right. I really believe that.

  2. Having a big ‘ol [D] next to his name doesn’t help things, but than again, how many Republicans are just as disgusting as most liberal Democrats these days? Most of them.

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