Sen. John Kennedy on the Bill of Rights versus Coronavirus response – IOTW Report

Sen. John Kennedy on the Bill of Rights versus Coronavirus response

ht/ anonymous

First is the NJ governor, then Kennedy’s take.

18 Comments on Sen. John Kennedy on the Bill of Rights versus Coronavirus response

  1. They aren’t rights, they are government permissions.

    Rights cannot be negated or withdrawn by fiat.

    That they are no longer rights was demonstrated on Easter when the government simply closed Easter Church gatherings by decreeing them illegal.

    America has changed, just get over it.

  2. I will NOT “get over it”.
    F*** That!
    There is a protest scheduled in front of Gov. Janet Mills’ residence in Augusta, Maine on the 20th and I will be there.
    We will not go quietly into the night.

  3. Hard to believe that Senator Kennedy was once a Liberal Dementiacrat Congressman. Every now and then his earlier, liberal television appearances show up on CNN and MSNBC, and it’s hard to believe it’s the same man. He wised up a lot since then, and he’s the voice of reason and common sense now.

  4. The pollsters dare not take the following poll:

    “Are you more – or less – in favor of the Second American Revolution today than you were before the ‘Coronavirus?’

    But it would be interesting to see a daily readout on that as the slow-motion shitapillars hit the fan over the coming months and years.

  5. “Bring arms and it will have meaning and most likely results as well.”

    Like it did with the Virginia gun control laws?

    They ended up being passed anyway, bringing all those arms didn’t do much.

  6. @Anonymous April 16, 2020 at 11:29 am

    > America has changed, just get over it.

    America hasn’t changed. America refuses to change. And that, is The United States’ problem.

    (Fear not! Loyal citizen! They have a plan. There’s always a plan. Every few years. There’s a New Plan.)

  7. @Pointy End Out April 16, 2020 at 12:00 pm

    > Protests are meaningless group tamtrums.

    They are not tantrums! They are prideful expressions of solidarity!

    Nor are they protests! Mobs protest! These groups get proper permits. They have schedules. They have swag. It’s, actually, quite the… parade.

    It’s a… uh… man I hope the supply chain for starfish bleach is solid. This could be one ug-u-ly summer.


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