Sen. John Kennedy To Sally Yates- “Who Appointed You to the Supreme Court?” – IOTW Report

Sen. John Kennedy To Sally Yates- “Who Appointed You to the Supreme Court?”

13 Comments on Sen. John Kennedy To Sally Yates- “Who Appointed You to the Supreme Court?”

  1. Wow!!!! It’s amazing watching liberal ideologues get facts and reality thrown at them instead of feelings and watch them squirm like slugs having salt poured on them.

  2. It’s “unconstitutional” when it violates liberal dogma, the liberal agenda or “changing the county”, or doesn’t pass the PC smell test.

    For traitorous liberals, like this genuflecting O’bimbo whore, it’s “unconstitutional” when the Constitution supports it.

  3. Excellent Congressional Theater. I could see both of them nominated for Best Supporting Actor. And Yates can use it in her Senate campaign in Georgia. Call when the jail, fine or demotion occurs.

    And what reboot said.

  4. The SCROTUS is a rag-tag collection of pusillanimous politically connected shysters, for pity’s sake. And the Senate is a rag-tag collection of megalomaniacal bullshitters and thieves.

    Yates and Clapper are treasonous dogs and will suffer NO consequences for that treason.

    “A sound and a fury – signifying nothing …”

    The American people are just as fucked – just as abused and denied their Bill of Rights as before this kabuki spectacle. The NSA (and other spook agencies) will continue to commit treason with impunity while the pontificating pricks continue to pontificate (meanwhile stuffing their bank accounts with taxpayer dollars).

    Sorry if this reads a tad cynical … but, sadly, it’s true.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The bigger problem is why isn’t congress investigating why our intelligence apparatus is so incompetent. Those two cretins, Yates and Clapper basically admitted to the world that our folks are being outsmarted and outplayed in the spy world. The Russians supposedly have been interfering with our elections since the 1960’s (even more so since that bloated piece of whale blubber Ted the swimmer Kennedy asked the Russians to prevent Reagan’s reelection)!. They admitted this and yet the were unable to stop, according to them, the highly successful attack on the 2016 election! We spend more on our intelligence apparatus than most countries spend on their generous socialist welfare payments and yet we can’t, according to Clapper and Yates, protect the election process in this country from outside and unfriendly interests! They are either (1) very stupid or are (2) incompetent on purpose or (3) both!

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