Sen. Joni Ernst(R) Reveals the Soviet Union Trip That Influenced Her Views on Socialism – IOTW Report

Sen. Joni Ernst(R) Reveals the Soviet Union Trip That Influenced Her Views on Socialism

[…] There were a number of us Iowa students that were there. … We got together in the evening, and [were] just going through the experience of living on that collective and how they lived. No running water, no refrigeration, no telephone, no automobile. They shared one bicycle in the whole family.

Going through that on a daily basis—their farming was done by horses and wagons. This is 1989, OK? MORE

8 Comments on Sen. Joni Ernst(R) Reveals the Soviet Union Trip That Influenced Her Views on Socialism

  1. There was a Polish expat merc who fled the Soviets.
    When asked a snide question about how did it feel to
    kill a man, he replied; “I don’t know. I never killed a man, I only killed Communists.”

  2. I was there as a student from Iowa in the mid-1970s. As a child of the 50s and 60s, we all grew up with slogans like ‘better dead than red.’ But after being there I really understood how good we had it. You’d have to be a complete dumbass (i.e. Bernie) to think communism is better than capitalism.

  3. My wife grew up in the Soviet Union. She was born in 1966. She has a photo in her scrapbook that shows her when she was six with her parents, aunts and uncles and cousins in the countryside. She and some of the others are carrying baskets. My mother saw the photo and asked my wife if they were all on a family picnic. The truth was that they were gleaning potatoes from a field so they’d have enough food to eat in the coming winter. Socialism sucks!

  4. It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is, that people are lining up for food. That is a good thing! In other countries people don’t line up for food: the rich get the food and the poor starve to death.

  5. Democratic socialism is not the same as communism. Please stop confusing the two systems as communism does not include any deratl in its spelling. Words are changed but not meaning. Global warming is now climate change, difficult to deny without being told that you deny truth and science. Words of the progressive are fashioned to obfuscate their true meaning which is slavery or death, pick one.


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