Sen. Lindsey Graham sent a cryptic message to James Comey – IOTW Report

Sen. Lindsey Graham sent a cryptic message to James Comey

DC: Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham sent a cryptic message to James Comey on Sunday, hinting at what might be in store for the former FBI director.

It began with a photo Comey tweeted earlier in the day, captioned simply, “So many questions.”

“Could not agree more. See you soon,” Graham tweeted at Comey in response.

18 Comments on Sen. Lindsey Graham sent a cryptic message to James Comey

  1. I swear Lindsey, if you just do this in service to OUR country, I’ll take back all the horrible things I’ve said and thought about you. And I’ll even address you as Sen Graham instead of all the foul names I used for you.

  2. “I guess I should at least get to choose the branch?” –

    James Comeys’ last words, traitor to the American Republic.

    As opposed to a true patriot…

    Nathan Hale, may God Bless His Soul:

    “I am so satisfied with the cause in which I have engaged that my only regret is that I have not more lives than one to offer in its service.”

    We miss his spirit dearly.

  3. Put the pressure on. Comey will sing surrounded by best friends, lawyers, and booze, faster than McCain sang before his NVA captors. Comey has to strike a deal RFN because Mueller is singing as well. Only 1 will survive. The DOJ/FBI are full of agents who have been bitterly watching what their superiors have been up to since Clinton and Obama. They will get even.

  4. I was very encouraged by how Graham acted during the Kavanaugh debacle. If Graham can actually get something meaningful started in terms of going after Crooked Comey and his foul nest of shitbirds, then he can nail down this new-found respect. If we can just get started down this path, then I actually hold out hope that it could culminate into Hillary and her flying monkeys being tried for real crimes and possibly treason. I really hope the old Bitch is shaking in her Katy Perry Bunion Boats at the prospect! Until then I still remain somewhat leery of this cat.
    Regardless of Lindsey, good riddance to McCain is alway in order!

  5. As my father always told me, “don’t tell me, show me”. Have we learned nothing from these political grifters? McCain, McConnell, Ryan, Gowdy, Flake, Corker…..

    It costs nothing to preen before the cameras or trade twitter jabs. I’ll await any action and meaningful accountability before singing Lindsey’s praises. Until then, he’s just another swamp creature with his finger in the air, testing the political winds.
    Don’t tell us Lindsey, show us!

  6. Comey deserves the Canaris treatment more than did Canaris.

    But we live in kinder, gentler times … so far … as long as we foil the likes of Comey.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. OK everyone, get back to me 6 months AFTER Graham is reelected and let me know who Lindsey’s putting the screws to because right now he’s busy with Dick, that’s Dick Blumenthal of stolen valor fame and better known as Da Nang Dick. Our dynamic duo are starting their red flag gun confiscation hearings 3/26/19. BTW, that’s TOMORROW.
    Thank you & FLG


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