Breitbart: Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) is co-sponsoring Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) legislation to freeze funding in order to halt further unilateral military action in Iran, the lawmakers confirmed on Saturday.
“As United States Senators, we often disagree on many issues. But standing up for the Constitution is not about partisanship,” the two lawmakers said in a statement to CNN.“The Founding Fathers were absolutely clear. They wanted to ensure that our country avoided needless conflict and they understood that presidential war-making would be harmful to our democracy,” they added
Sanders introduced the bill after President Donald Trump’s decision to eliminate Iran’s top terror general, Qasem Soleimani, who was responsible for the death of hundreds of Americans and approved of the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. According to the Pentagon, the terrorist general was actively planning more attacks throughout the region with the explicit intention of harming U.S. service members and diplomats.
As Breitbart News reported:
The Pentagon said Soleimani had orchestrated attacks on U.S.-led coalition bases in Iraq over the last several months, including one on December 27 which killed an American contractor and wounded U.S. service members and Iraqi personnel.
However, Lee was disappointed in the Trump administration’s briefing on the attack, calling it “probably the worst briefing I have seen at least on a military issue in the nine years I have served in the United States Senate.”
He continued:
What I found so distressing about that briefing was that one of the messages we received from the briefers was do not debate, do not discuss the issue of the appropriateness of further military intervention against Iran. And that if you do, you’ll be emboldening Iran.
The implication being that we would somehow be making America less safe by having a debate or a discussion about the appropriateness of further military involvement against the government of Iran,” he continued. “I find it insulting and demeaning.
Lee clarified to Breitbart News in an exclusive interview that he “supports the legal and moral justification for striking Soleimani and that he believes the worst military briefing was the Barack Obama administration’s briefing on the 2012 Benghazi consulate attack.”
“I want to be very clear, my comments yesterday did not take a position on the appropriateness of the attack that occurred,” he told Breitbart News.
“They were not condemning that; in fact, I acknowledged upfront that I’m willing to concede that they might well have been legally, morally, justifiable and fully constitutional,” he continued:
Kiss off douche. I never liked this guy. The senate is crawling with Rs looking to stutz President Trump.
Whatinthehell is in the water in UT anyway?
This is freaking stupid. Trump did not unilaterally “declare war”. And as Commander in Chief, he was absolutely, positively entitled to take action against a declared terrorist — in a war zone — who had just engineered the killing of an American civilian, and wounded several of our soldiers — and then engineered an attack, a REAL “act of war” on U.S. sovereign soil, our embassy.
Taking him out was absolutely positively legal. MORE than legal. It was utterly in line with Trump’s duties and powers under the Constitution. No if’s ands or buts. No different from (yay yay) taking out bin Laden, or al Baghdadi. No future “imminent” anything even required (but after 40 freaking years, does anybody with two brain cells doubt his shenanigans and terrorisms would not have continued?
(And what were Pelosi, Kerry, and the rest of the corrupt pal-around suck up gang doing on multiple visits over the past few year$$$$$$$$$$$ ???)
And by the way, Congress does not have the authority to arrogate the President’s foreign policy and military prerogatives.
Not a word, of course, when Obama went and killed the president of a country and then completely destroyed it. (Among so much more…)
What else is new! UT has been the home of the GOP left for 30 years. Name their other GOP sen!
ALL GOP ARE NOT CONSERVATIVE! Never have been, As Gore pointed out in the VP debates in ’96 leftist Dole only voted conservative twice in his 50 year Congressional career. Both times when Barry + Ronny brow beat him!
The most liberal President in American history lied, “Im a compassionate conservative”! Ask Tom Tancredo and S. Palin abut how ruthless this lefty really is!
This arrogant piece of garbage is demanding that the president get his approval before taking any action.
This provides a good example of why these international problems never seem to get solved. Trump is doing exactly what needs to be done to break this murderous regime and the weasels like Lee want to throw up roadblocks at every turn.
We should repeal the 17th amendment and clip the wings of these senators.
What a snake! And what’s with this “willing to concede”…”might well have been legally, morally, justifiable and fully constitutional,”… ???!!!
He’s been listening to Mitt Romney for a long time.
Why this little oily douche. He needs to have his magic underwear pulled over his head and sent packing!
That whole family (Udall, &c.) has claims staked all over the political map.
More political opportunists than ideological of any sort.
(not that there’s anything wrong with that)
I can’t figure his calculus – anti-America works on the coasts but not that well in the interior. Could just be his Globaloney roots. Maybe he’s getting Soros money. One thing’s for sure: he hasn’t read the Constitution. Another thing’s for sure: President Trump didn’t declare war on anyone – he (the Armed Forces) performed a surgery to excise a cancer. Another thing’s for sure: “You ride with outlaws, you [‘re treated like an outlaw].” so watch the company you keep.
izlamo delenda est …
“As United States Senators, we often disagree on many issues. But standing up for the Constitution is not about partisanship,”
Depends on who is President from what I can see.
And even then, only in a highly selective manner.
typical mormon traitor
Would’ve been nice if Bongino had asked Levin why Conservative Review rates this hump a solid “A”.
I would guess Senator Lee, a Never-Trumper, is probably compromised. It doesn’t make sense politically to take this position or fight this battle.
Blackmail works better than cash with a politician, combine the two and they’ll fart Dixie in key.
Go ask Bernie. The Clinton campaign, as evidenced by Wikileaks’ Podesta e-mails, had dirt on Bernie to use it he strayed too far from the approved campaign rhetoric.
I’m looking forward to seeing how the Democrats dispose of Bernie in 2020. I bet more heart attacks are in the offing.
“As United States Senators, we often disagree on many issues. But standing up for the Constitution is not about partisanship,”. How in the hell do you join forces with a communist and then justify it with the Constitution? What a shithead!
He must have been a Epstein client.
The more Mike Lee talks, the more I wish he wouldn’t. Anymore. Ever.
This is the same PoS who wants to bring 600,000 sahibs from India to replace the same number of fired Americans showing his India First program.
Puck Him!!!!!
John Kerry was just on Face The Nation and it was an epic fail. He must have thought that it was Facelift The Nation.
They played the quote from him from 2016, that I mentioned several days ago, about Iran deal money funding Soleimani and he lost his shit and accused the host of being a tool of Trump and that she’s only asking the question because he’s using her.
It was such a simple question but he’s so used to softballs that he completely screwed it up.
They all would if they got asked but the Enemedia is so invested in one side that their journalism is strictly accidental and their only pushback is when they get accused of supporting a Republican position.
Well, at least it truly smoked him out especially when he “clarified” his position. I think the GOP (those truly conservative) need to both really concentrate their resources on Senate and House seats they have a possibility of taking from the Dems and at the same time trimming resources made available to hacks like Lee and Romney (how in the hell did he win the nomination for that Senate seat anyway?) for their elections. If the GOP conservatives (again, real ones) can take back the party and trade wins from the Dems using real conservatives aginst losses from fake ones then they’ll come out ahead. Well, they still need to take 25 some odd Congress seats over a trade off.