Sen. Mike Lee defends Mittens after vote on witnesses in Trump trial – IOTW Report

Sen. Mike Lee defends Mittens after vote on witnesses in Trump trial

The Hill: Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) came to the defense his fellow Utah senator Mitt Romney (R) after Romney bucked the party and voted to approve more witness testimony in the Senate’s impeachment trial against President Trump.

“Mitt Romney is a good friend and an excellent Senator. We have disagreed about a lot in this trial. But he has my respect for the thoughtfulness, integrity, and guts he has shown throughout this process. Utah and the Senate are lucky to have him,” Lee tweeted. more

30 Comments on Sen. Mike Lee defends Mittens after vote on witnesses in Trump trial

  1. On my travel out west as a young feller we overnighted in Moab Utah. This was way before it became a popular place for mountain biking and four wheeling. The people were fantastic and as friendly as you could ask for. Had a great time in a bar called Poplar Place. What the heck happened to Utah?

  2. As bad as I feel about my two Senators (in Virginia), at least they don’t try to be anything but the horrific libtards they are. They wear their enemy armband without shame, and can be easily identified on the battlefield.

    But Utah (shakes head). Romney would have to work hard just to attain RINO status; Lee wants to open the H1B floodgates. They probably huddle in the Senate cloakroom and watch episodes of The View together, while chatting about how dreamy Obummer was.

    Wat up, Utah?

  3. Different Tim February 1, 2020 at 8:40 am

    During your travel out west you probably noticed the west has a lot of cattle ranches. You have to watch where you step when you walk in a cattle pasture because you might step on a pile Mitt Romney.

  4. Hypocrites kinda stick together.
    “Thoughtfulness, integrity, and guts?” Are you shittin me? AFTER 17 fukkin “witnesses” and 28,000(?) “documents?” C’mon, Mike … really? Is your constituency that fukkin dumb?
    You can speak such an enormity of falsehood with a straight face?
    You need to go … and take Mittens with you … there’s a special place in Hell for liars and hypocrites. This is a completely unforced lie – no compulsion, no torture, no hidden national interest, no large pile of cash – nothing but self-service.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Romney spent his life in politics and can’t get what Trump has. Trump sailed right past Romney. That’s why Romney hates Trump. That’s why most of them hate Trump.

  6. Hey Lee, you can go to the head of the line, to kiss my ass. Oh wait, there is no line, you can become the legend in your own mine to be first, to kiss my ass. You rode into the senate as a Tea Party member, and promptly sold them out as you became a stable rhino. You HAD such potential, now you must be sharing mitten’s all powerful underwear.
    Utah lucky to have mittens and you? Make sure you wipe your lips from the dribble left from mittens before you kiss my ass. Someone just presented a bill in Utah to recall sitting senators, maybe you and mittens can flip a coin to see who is first in Utah history, right after you kiss my ass.

  7. Romney was able to scam conservatives for years but Trump has exposed him and rendered him completely obsolete. If he retains any authority, meaning if he’s not run out of office, you know he’ll turn into another McCain, voting against us out of spite.

  8. Mittens stuffed his bank account by raiding and destroying businesses putting their workers out on the bread lines.
    That’s your idea of integrity?
    Thanks for the additional insights into your thinking but we already have enough info about you to know you are nothing but complete scum.

  9. If I remember correctly Lee was voted in pretending to be Tea Party. He hid it longer than Rubio, but he started showing his true colors as well.

    Living in a red state and seeing RINOs every election cycle, I try to do my best to inform fellow Republican voters really listen to what they see, almost always you can hear something they’re twisting or they accidentally tell you and then always dig for anything and everything you can find on their past. Even those who have never been a politician you can usually find out who they truly are. It’s not always fool proof, especially with those who have never been a politician because D.C. seems to change them, sooner than later on some of them.
    With Romney it was hitting everyone in the face and they still voted for him. Hell, it hit everyone across the country and they still chose him as the Republican nominee for President.
    Republican voters are like women who always pick loser men and then wonder why every man they choose either beats them, cheats on them or won’t work.
    Then they become like a battered woman even after they prove they’re liars and libtards and vote for them again in the next election.

    Yeah, sometimes they can blame it on nobody primaries them, but often someone does primary them and they still send them back.

  10. Mike Lee and Mia Love were the result of the Uniparty end run on the T.E.A. Party. As ORWW pointed out, he and Rubio and a few others were T.E.A. Party pretenders. Rubio, Ryan, Romney, Lee, Love, et al; all of them. They were more in sync with the losers at National Review, and with no more “guts”. We were all duped.

    POTUS Trump has brought an end to the idea that we must settle for “the lesser of two evils.” Guys like Romney and Lee will get the boot for all the right reasons.

  11. Yep, Mittens showed his “guts” – when he bent over and spread his ass cheeks for the media, the Demonrats, and Soros.
    (supplementing Dianny’s comment – not pretending originality)

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Hey all you assholes in Utah, quit electing McAsshats over and over.

    We have a good thing going here and people like you keep fucking it up.

    If you Can’t figure it out, we may just make you a part of California before we kick that shithole out.

    Wise up dumbasses, get rid of these people.


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