Sen. Pocahontas challenger goes to bat for Coinbase, crypto industry in SEC lawsuit – IOTW Report

Sen. Pocahontas challenger goes to bat for Coinbase, crypto industry in SEC lawsuit

Fox Bidness-

Massachusetts Senate candidate John Deaton isn’t letting the busy campaign trail prevent him from fighting the Securities and Exchange Commission on behalf of the crypto industry.

FOX Business was first to report that the crypto-enthusiast and lawyer, now turned political candidate, filed an amicus brief in the Southern District of New York on Friday in support of the U.S.’s largest crypto exchange, Coinbase, in its ongoing legal battle with the SEC.

Deaton says he’s intervening in the case on behalf of 4,701 Coinbase users, developers and crypto investors who want their voices heard in court.

“SEC Chairman Gary Gensler and his agency have demonstrated that they are not interested in protecting small investors and operate only to serve their political masters,” Deaton tells FOX Business. “The SEC has unlimited resources, paid for by the taxpayer, and Coinbase is a multibillion-dollar company with the best lawyers money can buy. The consumers deserve an advocate and a voice as well.”   more

2 Comments on Sen. Pocahontas challenger goes to bat for Coinbase, crypto industry in SEC lawsuit

  1. Everyone’s doing what they want: printing endless money, granting credit non-stop, borrowing and running deficits, manipulating interest rates, issuing unlimited stock, introducing ‘digital money’…

    But no one reads the Constitution to see what IT says.


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