Sen. Rand Paul Declining Vaccine Because He Has Natural Immunity – IOTW Report

Sen. Rand Paul Declining Vaccine Because He Has Natural Immunity


Having already contracted COVID-19, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said he is not going to get vaccination for the virus, because he already has developed natural immunity.

“Until they show me evidence that people who have already had the infection are dying in large numbers, or being hospitalized or getting very sick, I just made my own personal decision that I’m not getting vaccinated because I’ve already had the disease and I have natural immunity,” Paul told Sunday’s “The Cats Roundtable” on WABC 770 AM-N.Y., The Hill reported.

“In a free country you would think people would honor the idea that each individual would get to make the medical decision, that it wouldn’t be a Big Brother coming to tell me what I have to do,” Paul told host John Catsimatidis.

“Are they also going to tell me I can’t have a cheeseburger for lunch? Are they going to tell me that I have to eat carrots only and cut my calories?

“All that would probably be good for me, but I don’t think Big Brother ought to tell me to do it.”


22 Comments on Sen. Rand Paul Declining Vaccine Because He Has Natural Immunity

  1. Having been sick with the virus does not make you immune. Getting the vaccine does not make you immune. Wearing a mask does not make you immune.

    In other words, governments have found a way to totally control people’s lives and have them go along willingly for an indeterminate length of time.

  2. Me too.
    I had covid back in 2020. I now have the natural immunity and I didn’t have to mess around with my DNA to stay safe. My doctor tried to convince me yo get the jab. He claims it’s better than natural immunity. I just laughed at him. Natural immunity after catching a virus has been keeping humans alive from the beginning of the specie. Doctors have become pill pushing vax pimps.

  3. BTW, I got Covid when no one knew what it was. Caught it on a cruise ship in 12/2019. Asian woman in the cabin next to us was sick the day she got on and off the ship. I later put 2&2 together. Pretty sure the cabin steward brought it over to us. I got sick the day before getting off the ship. Was sick for about 6 weeks, and no telling but I could have been a super spreader that we no longer hear about. Dunno, but like all the other life threatening diseases I’ve been exposed to, I survived this one as well. No doctor, no meds, no mask, and here I am alive and well!

  4. janitor: I am just going by what we are being told. Fauci has said that people will need a booster shot after about 6 months. He has also said that with the different variants people still have to practice all the things they have been doing before.

    The information keeps changing, and many people still think we should do everything the incompetent boobs are saying while deplatforming people who are actually working in the field and know what they are talking about.

  5. Most of us have already have ‘natural immunities’ to begin with…even if we are introduced to weaponized SARS as RP was.

    It’s the co-morbidity that has done in most…older age, weight, lung issues, low constitution, etc.

  6. Reason #1 why ‘vaccine passports’ are such a crock of shit. Why would anyone who already had Covid get the jab? You’d have to be a f’ing idiot to do so. Why should someone who gets the jab be treated any differently from someone who has natural immunity? Take your vaccine passport AND your mask and shove it where the sun don’t shine. I’m so sick of this crap.

  7. I’m with mickey moussaoui – I got it last fall – with no symptoms other than loss of taste – so I have natural immunity. Besides, it’s been years, if not decades since I’ve even had a cold (which btw, is a corona virus strain). I aint re-programming my genetic code when my body can take care of itself.

    That said, watch the shaming from the vaxxed sheep ramp up big time now that the scamdemic is miraculously over – until the next one comes along.

  8. I was 77 years old when I got the China virus last October. I had all the classic symptoms: lack of taste or smell, dry cough, night sweats, a fever of 102 for a few days, total fatigue. I hydrated, took ibuprofen, and recovered after about 2 to 3 weeks. I did not report or see an MD. I don’t plan to get the vaccine at least till next Fall or until we know the long-term effects of vaccination on recovered cases.

  9. I was exposed to Chicken Pox, and didn’t get it. I was exposed to measles,and didn’t get it. I was exposed to all the childhood diseases and the only one I caught was Mumps and I was 16 when that happened. I had flu a few years ago when I got my one and only flu shot. Foe whatever reason I seem to have a bad ass immune system and I have no intention of screwing it up with this depopulation poison. Sue me, I DGAF.

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