Sen. Ted Cruz Says He’s Done Wearing a Mask Inside the Capitol – IOTW Report

Sen. Ted Cruz Says He’s Done Wearing a Mask Inside the Capitol

Neon Nettle-

Cruz told CNN:

“At this point, I’ve been vaccinated.”

“Everybody working in the Senate has been vaccinated.”

“CDC has said in small groups, particularly with people who were vaccinated don’t need to wear masks,” he said.

When it was challenged that some reporters had not received their vaccination, he replied:

At this point, virtually everyone here has been vaccinated. And everyone has the opportunity.”

Cruz joins Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky as another openly maskless Republican senator. more

9 Comments on Sen. Ted Cruz Says He’s Done Wearing a Mask Inside the Capitol

  1. …yeah, look at ME, no mask, I’m a BADASS!

    …but I’m totally OK with calling a pedophile who was fraudulently inserted into the White House by hostile foreign powers and powerful domestic traitors, THAT I won’t try to do anything about or even call it out for the blatant usurpation that it CLEARLY is, but yeah, no mask, THATS the big statement I’m making as Democrats go to full one-party rule, I’M TED CRUZ, BEYOTCHES!

  2. Good for you, Ted. Now show your support for the right of people to not be penalized for refusing to be vaccinated. Introduce legislation to deny subsidies or tax breaks to corporations which require proof of vax to conduct business.

  3. When Bill Gates and Chyna release the virus that targets the unique antibodies in those who have submitted to the experimental mRNA quaccine, most it the House and Senate will die.

  4. Let’s see if he can pull it off, and what the penalty he will end up paying for doing it will be.

    FWIW, for some reason I don’t really expect everyone up there to just say “OK with me, go ahead and do what you want”.

  5. It’s the push-back. It’s all about the push-back.

    We all need to stop this compliance with unconstitutional attacks on our liberty. Ted is making a statement. Let’s encourage him and others to just stop it. The more we see on TV and floating around on social media, the more people will join and stop wearing masks.

    This is a start. It will continue and when enough of us just stop being sheep, then we will be that much farther ahead to change more.

  6. @SNS – I hear your frustration and anger, and I fell the same way. But (you knew that word was coming), we are where we are today because of decades of communist totalitarian incrementalism. They control the democrat party and most of the republican party, the media, the education system, sports and entertainment, and now the corporations. It looks pretty bleak, doesn’t it?

    What would you have him do? “…try to do anything about or even call it out for the blatant usurpation that it CLEARLY is…”

    That’s been done already by MANY people – in and out of government – and it’s been squashed like a bug by fakebook, twatter, xinn and other deep state establishments.

    It’s the whole “how do you boil a frog?” strategy. It’s gonna take well planned incremental measures to reverse our course. If refusing to wear a mask moves citizens and other congress critters, to follow, so be it. Trump won the people. Target Trump’s base and keep turning the heat up step by step. Trump’s base will not wear masks, not get vaccinated, and will disobey illegal and immoral government mandates.

    Focus on election integrity in order to have a chance at a fair elections. Above all, keep appealing to the people to seek the truth. Fight back against the corporate oligarchs who want to keep their power base in place. Appeal to their consumers (i.e., we the people) to boycott their products – go woke go broke – as they have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders to maximize the vale of their companies.

    As much as shouting “storm the gates!”, “secession now!”, etc. feels good to say, we are up against overwhelming odds to succeed in a confrontational strategy. China put in place a 100 year plan to get to where they are today. Other ancient civilizations also preach patience and diligence in pursuit of long term objectives. We have been conditioned to expect instant gratification, and that does not work – unless you have the power of shock and awe, which we do not in this battle.

    Incrementalism, focus, diligence and discipline are plan A. Plan B gets implemented when they come for the guns.


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