Sen. Tim Scott says he plans to recommend Trey Gowdy to the Supreme Court – IOTW Report

Sen. Tim Scott says he plans to recommend Trey Gowdy to the Supreme Court

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26 Comments on Sen. Tim Scott says he plans to recommend Trey Gowdy to the Supreme Court

  1. Who wants to roll the dice with him after some of his odd behavior? When he first came on the scene I really thought he was a shooting star but…………………..

  2. I doubt Trump would ever consider Gowdy. Maybe if Gowdy showed some back bone and got something done instead of flipping his lips, maybe. He might be good on a program like Judge Judy.

  3. As a SC constituant, NO !
    All bark and no bite.
    I want a junkyard dog, plenty of bite, no need to advertise yourself.
    We have all seen Hair of the Day Trey pontificate, just what came of all that drama?

  4. Gowdy?…what everyone else here said…pffft!
    ANYWAY: talk’s been he’ll choose a woman.
    Scores extra points for November that way.

  5. I’m a South Carolinian too and Lindsey Graham has also recommended Gowdy. That is more than enough to convince me that Gowdy shouldn’t ever be near the Supreme Court.

  6. I get a creepy vibe from Gowdy’s blubbering worship of Tim Scott.
    I gave Scott his chance but I think he’d do better working on the back of a garbage truck than sitting in the senate completely out of his depth.

  7. Didn’t take long for Tim Scott to become a card carrying member of the Congressional Black Caucus. His subtle but progressively race-tinged bona fides is proof he’s a brotha after all.

    Another grandstanding orator, John Kennedy (R) LA. A real George Cantstandya kinda guy, Gowdy’s replacement.

  8. My state South Carolina, needs a clean sweep. Un-ass Graham, Clyburn and Scott. Trey “the eviscerator” (LOL) Gowdy is retiring and he’s not on any list for consideration I’ve seen so forget it Timmy.


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