Senate and House Voted Unanimously – IOTW Report

Senate and House Voted Unanimously

House Dems, GOP vote unanimously to declassify COVID origins intel, send bill to Biden

The House vote followed the Senate’s unanimous vote last week

Fox News – House lawmakers made it clear Friday that it’s time for the Biden administration to come clean on what it knows about COVID-19’s origin.

Read about it HERE.

h/t Jason

16 Comments on Senate and House Voted Unanimously

  1. The swamp wants a war to distract from the economy and the threat to our freedoms. They want this disclosure, but not the Jan 6 tapes. Shades of Roosevelt and WW2.

  2. Now vote unanimously for a bill that requires full disclosure of the who, how, and why of the standard of care policies (and restrictions) for covid patients –with criminal penalties.

  3. Now, a life for a life.
    Jail all the responsible and a short rope for the people that murdered our love ones.
    We didn’t know or just following orders is not going to cut it.

  4. When the House Dems and GOP vote unanimously you know the fix is in. This is all theatre, this is all bullshit and in the end THEY will disclose only that which THEY will allow us to see.

  5. @Say what?
    Yep – they have already prepared for this and destroyed all the damning evidence against them along with preparing more false allegations to point at President Trump.

  6. If those jackasses voted UNANIMOUSLY to declassify their Coof fable, you can swear on your momma’s virginity that the story you get will be the biggest pile of BS in human history.

  7. It’s starting to unravel. The politicians know that the gig is up, the tide is turning and are trying to thread the needle in order to buy time to figure out how to deflect from their part in it.

    You can go back to early to mid 2020 and see what I posted regarding how the politicians will pivot from Big Pharma and line up with the Trial Lawyers and how the end game will feature different alliances.

    In the immortal words of a guy in Costco watching the Seahawks in the Super Bowl: The motherfucking wheels is coming off. The game moved into the next stage in the last couple weeks. There is a lot left to go, and there are going to be shifting alliances as one after another the guilty are thrown overboard by their partners in this crime, all of them conspiring against the weakest in an effort to keep the ship afloat.

  8. Now, ENOUGH with seemingly non-partisan yet insignificant unanimous vote, can you pass meaningful legislation that will right this failed ship of state that allowed government (CDC, DOJ, FBI, ATF, IRS, DHS, NIS, etc.) to be weaponized against law abiding citizens OR the failure to protect our borders, deporting Illegal Immigrants, Prosecution of the Biden Crime Syndicate, corruption in Government, Tax relief, stop funding terrorists (nearly a $Billion to Palestine), prosecution of those behind the “Russia Hoax” or many other legislative areas Congress has failed to perform their Constitutional Duty and Responsibility?

    We’ll see “IF” non-partisan unanimous consent votes truly exists when real legislation is acted upon.

    I have hope but I’ve seen nothing the past 4 decades that gives my faith a boost.

  9. Moneygrubbing Biden and the ignoramus slugs stupidly propping him up have no intentions of ‘coming clean’ about the chinese virus or anything else for that matter. On the backs of Americans, Biden and his slave-advocators cashed in on the chinese scam-scheme and exploited all. That the chinese comminist party are abusers of humans is what endears Joe Biden/Democrat Party/KKK to the lowlies.


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