Senate Candidates Ditch Biden – IOTW Report

Senate Candidates Ditch Biden

In Pennsylvania democrat senate candidate, John Fetterman ducked out of appearing with the white house occupant last week. Here

Wisconsin democrat senate candidate, Mandela Barnes begged off Biden’s Labor Day address in Milwaukee rally with the excuse of having prior engagements. Here

11 Comments on Senate Candidates Ditch Biden

  1. Given the communications difficulties due to Fetterman’s stroke and Biden’s, well, Bidenness, I might have paid a decent chunk of change to see those two sit down together to discuss solutions to our most pressing problems.

  2. The same thing is happening to your fhead. The only ones that want anything to do with him are losing in the polls anyway. Some from both sides of the aisle are backing away from the controversy.

  3. Asshole Rep Tim Ryan Supports Biden 100%
    He’s a Biden yes man, he walks lock step with his communist policies.

    Vote JD Vance For Ohio Senate 2022!

  4. Don’t those Democrats know it’s bad form to throw their party’s President into an open sewer line? An isolated cesspit would be much better. Then you can put a LID on it.

  5. Jackass Joe has been a worthless, Federal Tit-Sucking Parasite for his entire life. Fetterman has been his family’s parasite for his entire life and is now trying to snag a government gold ring for a place at the trough. Considering that Jackass Joe and Fetterman have that in common, it it sure is telling that even Uncle Festerman knows when to cut bait! Nobody with an IQ over 50 want’s anything to do with the stumbling, bumbling, crooked-ass dim-bulb who can’t be trusted with a burnt out match let alone nuclear codes!

  6. Annoyamus you really are that stupid…go to your beloved Axios and look up PDJTs endorsement record thus far. They shave the metric by including only those candidates they considered viable, but even by your usual lefty statistical shenanigans he is rocking a 85% win rate of candidates who support him and he supports.

    So shut and go away you imbecilic child. The unbiased rate is 92% and 100% for the senate races thus far. Do the math before you come back.

    100% of your Demonrats running for Senate are running from Aldoplh Pedo McShitler you brainless pinko (redundant I know) Anonymous price of garbage…

    Fuck the Pedo

  7. Not half as stupid as you. Well written on republicans are wiping their Twitter accounts of Trump period! They are also distancing themselves from his rallies. The only ones left are the far far right morons. Cisco kiddy boy.

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