Senate Dems Block Coronavirus Relief Bill, House Repubs Propose Reasonable Healthcare Reform – IOTW Report

Senate Dems Block Coronavirus Relief Bill, House Repubs Propose Reasonable Healthcare Reform

National Review

Senate Democrats blocked the advancement of a trillion-dollar stimulus package on Sunday evening, arguing that the aid measure failed to adequately protect workers affected by the novel coronavirus’ spread.

The historic relief package was introduced by Senate Republicans on Thursday and aimed to cut corporate taxes, offer large loans to small businesses and major corporations, and limit the paid-leave expansion passed in the emergency measure. The deal offered $250 billion directly to Americans as well as 39 weeks of unemployment insurance to eligible workers, according to Axios.

But Democrats have said the bill requires a long-term and structural response rather than a short-term influx of federal subsidies, rejecting the Republican draft and denying the GOP the 60 votes it needed to advance. The vote was split 47-47. More

Meanwhile, in the House, republicans are working on their measure to win back control using the same message the democrats used in 2018 to gain the majority, healthcare reform. Here

20 Comments on Senate Dems Block Coronavirus Relief Bill, House Repubs Propose Reasonable Healthcare Reform

  1. Open letter to registered Democrats

    You are at a vital decision point. Your Democratic Party leaders and representatives in Congress have taken the despicable position that they will agree to no pandemic relief legislation if it doesn’t conform to their long-term objectives and agenda.

    Their actions are beneath contempt. They have no qualms over holding the economic well-being of our country hostage at a time when prompt short-term action is essential to avoid an economic disaster whose effects will equal or be even worse than COVID-19 itself.

    And Democrat who fails to renounce their party and change voter registration affiliation to “independent” or another political party is announcing to their neighbors and fellow Americans that they, too, are beneath contempt.

    After this point, anyone I meet or know who has remained a registered Democrat will be unwelcome in my home, should expect to be shunned outside my home, and if in business never see a penny from me ever again.

    This is it. The time is now. Quit the Democrats and tell them exactly why.

  2. Because of their satanic hatred for PRESIDENT Trump and by extension US, they cannot plainly see that this is an all-around political LOSER.

    COVID-19 continues its public good by furthering exposing these dirty dick bags. I’m even seeing angry dems on social distancing media starting to get enraged at ’em.

    Oh yeah. And Bernie “I’m Pro-Worker” Sanders didn’t vote the 1st round for the CARES act and just voted no during the 2nd round. Total commie bullshit artist.

  3. The democrats are scumbags. They are using this ‘crisis’ yet again to push their agenda as they are saying lets take this *tremendous* opportunity to restructure things to fit their vision. And they have the media at their back hoping for McConnell and Trump to cave. This is the time to hold them accountable. I really hope we don’t cave and just sign anything because we have to do something.

  4. Just remember, you half the country that doesn’t vote: The Republicans want you to bail out the same Chamber of Commerce millionaires that you bailed out 10 years ago. Again. And enjoy your new plague economy. Brought to you by the Chamber of Commerce millionaires that wrecked your jobs. And pocketed that cash. Again.

  5. They want more money to throw away to their pals and friends and they will continue to throw a tantrum until they get it. Same mentality as the kid in the candy store.

  6. “Meanwhile, in the House, republicans are working on their measure to win back control using the same message the democrats used in 2018 to gain the majority, healthcare reform“.

    Not quite. I listened to Scalise on Soloman’s podcast. When it came time to discuss “details” of the republican’s “winning back the House Plan”, Scalise provided no details, instead saying, “well, we’re focused on fighting the coronavirus right now John, and will be rolling out details later”.

    In other words, gotta run, I’m late to a meeting.

    Republicans are no closer to comprehensive healthcare than they were before Pelosi jammed the o bill thru in the dead of night. Gotta hand it to the dems….they’ll connive, finagle, cheat and lie…..but they always get their goodies passed. Republicans are too afraid of their own shadows to put forth anything bold for Americans.

  7. …they get money for abortion, or starve people to death.

    …so Democrats are going to kill people, on purpose, one way or another. The only choice they’re giving you us whether it’s someone you know or not.


    As previously reported, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi came back to Washington D.C. last night after a week long recess and blew up days of emergency relief work done by the Senate. She wants to write her own far left bill and now we know what will be in it.

    According to a source close to the process on Capitol Hill, in order to move forward with any kind of relief package, Pelosi and her far-left Democrat caucus will demand the following be included:

    -Publication of corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics for all corporate boards

    -A bail out on all current debt at the Postal Service

    -Required early voting

    -Required same day voter registration

    -Provisions on official time for union collective bargaining

    -Full offset of airline emissions by 2025

    -Publication and reporting of greenhouse gas statistics for individual flights

    -Retirement plans for community newspaper employees

    -Federal $15 minimum wage

    -Permanent paid leave

    -Study on climate change mitigation efforts
    The provisions will apply to the companies and business rescued by bill.

  9. So the power hungry communist bitch wants all kinds of shit attached that has NOTHING to do with this virus emergency. Pretty plain to see where the DNC’s priorities lie, and it ain’t with the American people.

  10. “This is much to demand for the delivery of one servant: that your Master should receive in exchange what he must else fight many a war to gain! Or has the field of Gondor destroyed his hope in war, so that he falls to haggling? And if indeed we rated this prisoner so high, what surety have we that Sauron the Base Master of Treachery, will keep his part?”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    …to adapt to the current situation;

    “This is much to demand for the delivery of one bailout of a crisis YOU caused: that your Master should receive in exchange what he must else fight many a war to gain! Or has the Senate trial destroyed his hope in impeachment, so that he falls to haggling? And if indeed we rated this bailout so high, what surety have we that Pelosi, the Base Master of Treachery, will keep her part?”

    …see, it’s basically the same thing…

  11. Different Tim
    MARCH 23, 2020 AT 2:51 PM
    “If the gun laws are so restrictive in DC how can Democrats be so adept at shooting themselves in the foot?”

    …because laws NEVER apply to Democrats…


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