Senate Dems Whine Treasury Department Being Too Cooperative With Republican Committee Chairs – IOTW Report

Senate Dems Whine Treasury Department Being Too Cooperative With Republican Committee Chairs

Yahoo! News

The Treasury Department has complied with Republican senators’ requests for highly sensitive and closely held financial records about Hunter Biden and his associates and has turned over “‘evidence’ of questionable origin” to them, according to a leading Democrat on one of the committees conducting the investigation.

For months, while the impeachment controversy raged, powerful committee chairmen in the Republican-controlled Senate have been quietly but openly pursuing an inquiry into Hunter Biden’s business affairs and Ukrainian officials’ alleged interventions in the 2016 election, the same matters that President Trump and his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani unsuccessfully tried to coerce Ukraine’s government to investigate. More

h/t Tim Pool

12 Comments on Senate Dems Whine Treasury Department Being Too Cooperative With Republican Committee Chairs

  1. “…highly sensitive and closely held financial records..”

    So says Yahoo! News. But when the Ds wanted to rummage through all of the president’s financials, they looked upon that task as a matter of “NATIONAL SECURITY!” God knows what kind of “evidence” they might have planted to vindicate their charges of Russia, Russia, Russia and then Ukraine!

  2. Uh, they just left themselves wide open to Trump’s meme machine. Let’s explore all the ways in which the Treasury cooperated with oblowme, shall we? There must be at least one oblowme holdover who remembers the night they piled all that money onto pallets.

  3. “We MUST get to the bottom of election interference in 2016 because there is no way DJT won that legally!!!” – say the Dems
    “OK, we will ask questions about Ukraine interference, including someone named Biden” – say the Repubs
    Dems: FOUL!!!

  4. How about a little peek into the dealings of George Soros. If anyone needs scrutiny it’s that low life bastard.

    He’s one of the most evil men in the entire world.

  5. Who was that asshole that was coldly telling the other side of the aisle “We won.” as if they no longer had any right to participate in our Republic?
    Oh, yeah, jackass Obama.
    For once, I agree with Il Douche: we won. Fuck you.


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