Senate Health Care Bill Repeals Obamacare in Slower Increments Than House Version – IOTW Report

Senate Health Care Bill Repeals Obamacare in Slower Increments Than House Version

Republicans in the Senate spent the past few weeks drafting a Senate version of the House health care bill that will replace Obamacare. Released Thursday, the “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017” is scheduled for a vote next Thursday, before the Fourth of July recess. It needs 50 votes for passage. There are 52 Republican senators, and Vice President Mike Pence could break a tie.  Continued

11 Comments on Senate Health Care Bill Repeals Obamacare in Slower Increments Than House Version

  1. The Republican Leadership SUCKS!
    No balls No moral compass.
    “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017” WTF! Let OBAMACARE IMPLODE
    I know us Dumb Dumbs don’t understand the complexities of Phase 1, Phase 2 & Phase 3.

  2. Like “what’s his name” said: “If the Demonrats wanted to burn down the Capitol, the Republicrats would demand that it be burned down in three days instead of all at once.”

    Neither party gives a flying fig about America or the American people.
    We need to wake up.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Getting rid of all Obamacare mandates and giving more control to the states (where taxes to pay for any largess should come from) is a major step in repealing Obamacare.

    Would I like it wiped out completely and health insurance sold the way we sell chocolate bars? Yes. Can this congress at this time make that a reality? No.

    Get rid of any taint of Obama from everything he touched. That’s a start.

  4. Both the Republi-RATS and the Demon-RATs like them some of that sweet smelling health care socialism where they get to use up all of your money and harnass you to the plow!

  5. Just give each US Citizen 1 million dollars in a health savings account
    for lifetime health care insurance or we can spend 50 Billion here 50 Billion there
    that’s how stupid these bills are in my humble opinion.
    The Real JTucker.

  6. The government has no business in healthcare. Period.

    Want to make the cost of healthcare cheaper? BAN THE SCAM CALLED INSURANCE.

    Healthcare is NOT a right, no matter how much anyone wants it to be.

    Doctors should specialize in whatever field they want to, and compete for patient participation. The bad doctors will get weeded out and the good ones will remain in competition with each other which will drive the costs down.

    Oh, that’s right……the left hates competition. Competition isn’t “FAIR”.

    The forcing of “fairness” and “equality” is the enemy of freedom.

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