Senate Investigators Suspect FBI Documents Were Manipulated By Deputy Director Andrew McCabe – IOTW Report

Senate Investigators Suspect FBI Documents Were Manipulated By Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

CTH: Journalist Paul Sperry dropped a bombshell tweet yesterday highlighting issues that have been longstanding within a senate investigation:

This is a BIG deal, obviously. However, it is actually an even bigger deal when put into context with prior inquiry by Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley about FBI manipulating FD-302’s, notes taken by FBI agents during interviews.

The current issue seems to align with Senator Chuck Grassley suspecting Andrew McCabe manipulated the FD-302 investigative notes from FBI Special Agent’s Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka, after they interviewed Mike Flynn. There is enough sketchy and contradictory information giving weight to a likelihood that Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told FBI agents (Strzok and Pientka) to shape their FBI reports of the interview (FD-302’s) to assist a “Flynn lied” narrative.  more here

14 Comments on Senate Investigators Suspect FBI Documents Were Manipulated By Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

  1. Of course they were, because the upper levels of the FBI and the Department of Justice were Fundamentally Transformed during eight years of Osmidgen’s scandal free Administration.

  2. “There’s no point in pointing fingers. We just want to make sure that this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN! … oh … and it’s fo da l’il chillens, too …”

    I got $10 (iOTWR or US) says he’ll never see the inside of a jail.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This is off topic but a Loco PSA:

    Yesterday and today I was targeted via phone call with an IRS scam.
    They sounded legit as hell and threatened arrest.
    Said they sent me two warnings via mail.
    I never received anything via mail.
    Tried to shake me down for $2988.

    They failed! 🙂

  4. If they have evidence that documents were falsified, shouldn’t someone already have been arrested, even before this belief is made public??

    Our government’s continual malfeasance and frank incompetence make Kim Jong Ding Dong’s government look more principled and legitimate by comparison.

    What an embarrassing shitshow!

  5. @Anonymous June 9, 2018 at 2:12 pm

    “Our government’s continual malfeasance and frank incompetence make Kim Jong Ding Dong’s government look more principled and legitimate by comparison.”

    And with waaay more entertaining executions.

  6. LocoBlancoSaltine JUNE 9, 2018 AT 1:17 PM
    This is off topic but a Loco PSA:

    Did they have Abu’s accent?

    How come I never get to enjoy anything like this? Keep hoping to get one of these so I can tell them to PLEASE come and get me, but come locked and loaded…

    Have to settle for the many free vacations that I’ve won for NEVER staying at some hotel chain…

    For the time you keep them on the phone they can’t get some other sucker and can move towards so many entertaining directions that usually ends with them swearing at me…

    I’m easily entertained

  7. In this day and age of cheap storage, there’s no excuse for depending on -302’s (and the Fibbie’s ability to “remember”); there should be audio and video recordings of any “interview”.


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