Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is resuming an investigation of potential surveillance abuse by the FBI – IOTW Report

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is resuming an investigation of potential surveillance abuse by the FBI


[…] In a letter sent Thursday to Attorney General William Barr, Graham asked for all FBI and Justice Department documents related to investigators’ attempts to verify allegations made in the dossier, which was authored by former British spy Christopher Steele and funded by Democrats.

The FBI relied heavily on Steele’s report to obtain four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans investigated whether the FBI misled the FISA court by relying on the dossier even though its allegations about Page were unverified. They also asserted the FBI failed to tell surveillance court judges that Steele was working on behalf of the DNC and Clinton campaign on an investigation of Donald Trump.

Graham also indicated in the letter that he is investigating the FBI’s decision to open up investigations of Trump campaign associates in 2016.  MORE

11 Comments on Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is resuming an investigation of potential surveillance abuse by the FBI

  1. It seems like the goal of both houses of congress, and both parties, is to set a new world record for investigations. Do you think Lindsey is going to turn up something that we don’t already know?

  2. Letters. What a stupid way to run a country. This is leadership? Over the last decade, whenever the Rs have a reason to do something they write a letter.

    When will they ever just DO something?

    I’m not impressed. Cowards.

  3. “This is leadership?” -Claudia

    Yeah, this is what we get from here on out. And then it will morph into totalitarianism “for the survival of the homeland.”

  4. Senator Graham is working within the structure that he has to work in.
    He should be applauded for making an effort.

    Doesn’t it seem passing strange that Senator Graham is the ONLY one speaking out against the FBI’s abuses? The sacrificial goat, perhaps? After his long run as Senator McCain’s wing-man, I expected nothing of him (at least nothing of note).

    So! Pleasantly surprised! Onward and upward, Senator!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. As someone who has been critical of Graham in the past, he impresses me as a man on a mission with regard to what is demanded of a man who occupies the position he holds. I’m not sure what transpired to affect his change in demeanor, but he most certainly has inspired me to give him the benefit of the doubt regarding his sincerity. That does not translate into blindness or anything resembling loss of respect for the cautionary warning that what has happened in the past is the best indicator of what is likely in the future, but I’m willing to accept his recently espoused convictions as sincere unless… and until that becomes naïve or just plain stupid.

    I’m praying for him


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