Senate Judiciary Committee Zeroes In On Blasey-Ford’s Best Friend – IOTW Report

Senate Judiciary Committee Zeroes In On Blasey-Ford’s Best Friend

Sundance has posted a lengthy examination of  Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey-Ford’s best friend Monica Lee McLean. The Former FBI agent appears to be the critical link between the Senate Judiciary Committee witness and the deep state members within the FBI and DOJ bent on overturning the 2016 presidential election. More

7 Comments on Senate Judiciary Committee Zeroes In On Blasey-Ford’s Best Friend

  1. What these bottom-feeders did to Judge Kavanaugh and his family should never be forgotten or forgiven by the American people. I’m not just referring to the two, three, or four cunts but also to the cockroaches on the Judiciary committee, the demorats: Schumer, Harris, Feinstein, Blumenthal, Leahy,Hirono, Durbin etc. They should never be forgiven for their conduct. But if the rats win on Tuesday, they are home free.


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