Senate Judiciary To Begin Hearings On Flynn Unmasking, Russia Probe – IOTW Report

Senate Judiciary To Begin Hearings On Flynn Unmasking, Russia Probe


The Senate Judiciary Committee will begin holding hearings in early June to review the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation and issues related to Michael Flynn, Sen. Lindsey Graham announced Thursday.

“The Judiciary Committee will begin holding multiple, in-depth congressional hearings regarding all things related to Crossfire Hurricane starting in early June,” Graham, the chairman of the Judiciary panel, said in a statement Thursday.

Graham said the first phase of the inquiry will focus on the Justice Department’s decision on May 7 to dismiss charges against Flynn. The committee will also conduct an “in-depth analysis of the unmasking requests made by Obama Administration officials against General Flynn.”

“We must determine if these requests were legitimate.”

On Wednesday, two Republican senators released a list of Obama administration officials who submitted requests to unmask Flynn’s name in intelligence reports in the weeks before President Donald Trump’s inauguration. READ MORE

29 Comments on Senate Judiciary To Begin Hearings On Flynn Unmasking, Russia Probe

  1. Early June? That’s how serious Lindsey is…. won’t even commit to a date certain.
    That’s a lot of air time between now and “early June” for him to express his outrage and promises to get to the bottom of this.

    I’m guessing Lindsey was a known tease in his high school LGBT Club.

  2. Graham will blow the closet doors off the hinges and come strolling into the Senate in floor length taffeta before he makes any move to put a fellow deep stater in trouble.

  3. Looks like the circus is back in town. Fact is McConnell(and Ryan when he was Speaker) have let President Trump get curb stomped the last 3 years. They knew the Russian collusion crap was BS but let it drag on. If McConnell wants something, he gets it, like crushing any GOP candidate coloring outside the lines.

    China has PUBLICLY stated they’re going to meddle in our elections in retaliation for dissing their Chinese flu response. You’d think that would get the GOP up in arms…but wait, McConnell’s wife and family are hugely plugged into China.

    So? It’ll get a Fake the Hicks speech or two, like this Graham sideshow and than The Memory Hole

  4. You’re all correct. Lindsey Graham is just giving his good friends on the other side of the aisle time to coordinate and mount a defense. Everyone knows Graham’s motto: “Go along to get along”. They should’ve tossed him in the hole before lowering McCain’s fetid corpse down.

  5. I’ll accept Graham’s good intention.

    Most things done by committee are rendered moot by the simple fact that they’re designed to spread blame as thinly as possible and to obscure (by a fog of disinformation and nonsense) whatever relevant facts there may be.

    Some Senators mean well. Some even hold their Oath sacred. Most are egocentric greedy fucks with the morals of amoebas.

    Senator Graham has stood up for America more than once during this latest brouhaha (Impeachment, Russia Hoax, Ukraine Hoax, Wuhan Flu Hoax, &c) and should be given the benefit of a doubt – until his impedimenta show.

    Yeah, I know, this is sposed to be a dog pile-on …

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Tim,

    “Senator Graham has stood up for America more than once during this latest brouhaha (Impeachment, Russia Hoax, Ukraine Hoax, Wuhan Flu Hoax, &c) and should be given the benefit of a doubt”

    True, but only now have we reached the point where heads could start rolling. Only now is the deep state coming under direct threat so THIS is the time to observe and assess who and what he really is. Have no doubt, he will show us.

  7. Abigail,
    I and several of my friends have phoned & emailed Graham to let him know that we know about a lot of things. #1, you can never get “Senator TV appearance” on the phone and #2, any email response is a bland paragraph unrelated to the issue or question. It’s obvious that the SC Republican Party is only a field office for the entity in DC known as the Uniparty. I voted for this jack-wagon the very first time he ran and have NEVER voted for him since. Here’s a great quote from Senator TV:
    “I didn’t come to Washington to represent SC, I came to do what’s right.” But here’s my favorite:

  8. Ho Hum, we get to watch the Senator from SC fold up like a cheap suit again. None of these assholes are worth a pile of sun faded dogshit, and the first one that steps out of line will be crushed because Bathhouse Barry has dirt on all of these useless clowns.
    The only solution is to replace all of them with people the DNC have no leverage on.


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