Senate Republicans to Vote on Mitch McConnell’s Leadership Reelection November 16th – IOTW Report

Senate Republicans to Vote on Mitch McConnell’s Leadership Reelection November 16th

Breitbart: Senate Republicans will hold its leadership vote on November 16, an election that will determine whether Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will remain the top Republican in the Senate, Politico reported.

McConnell has stated he wants to remain the GOP leader, which would pave the way for his top lieutenants to remain in their positions. Sen. John Thune (R-SD) is reportedly planning to remain the Senate whip and Sen. John Barrasso (R-KY) the chair of the Senate Republican Conference. MORE

15 Comments on Senate Republicans to Vote on Mitch McConnell’s Leadership Reelection November 16th

  1. It appears we are to be saddled with McCONnell’s appeasing RINO GOP leadership in the Senate.
    Mitch will decide where the GOP Senate Campaign Committee Funds will be used to support like minded establishment RINOs in 2024.

    I can hear the chanting, “Two More Years of Appeasement !”, “Two More Years of Appeasement !”
    “No we aren’t tired of bending over.”
    “Let’s go along, to get along.”

  2. The voters were sure they wanted no part of continuing Biden’s mistakes, but McConnell led rampant confusion by fighting the “who gets to lead the party” fight throughout the general election. His inability to keep his eye on the prize, instead focusing on his never-trump beliefs, kept tearing the party apart and sowing confusion with the voters. In the end, McConnell helped stifle a red wave.

  3. Why choose before the new Senators are seated? I’ve sent an e-mail asking RINO Lankford if he’s going to finally grow a set and do as his constituents want and not vote for him. Not exactly in those words, but the meaning was the same.
    I’ve also sent an e-mail to Mullin and asked him if he’s going to lick the male anatomy of McConnell like he did McCarthy, again not those exact words, slightly more PC. Although I’m not sure he even votes, since he will be new.
    I also told both of them I only voted for them in the general election because I care about our country and hoped the Republicans would take majority. That it was a hold your nose and swallow back the puke in your mouth vote, but just maybe they’d become the exception and change their spots.

    I let our newly elected Representative know that this will be his first test with me and if he votes for McCarthy he will have failed.

  4. Mitch is a traitor to his party, his state, and his country.
    Anyone who votes for him is a traitor, too.
    He sold America out to both China and Ukraine.
    In a just World he’d be in a gibbet.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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