Senate RINOs Declare Support for Brown Jackson – IOTW Report

Senate RINOs Declare Support for Brown Jackson

I mean, Transpublicans.


Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney say they will vote to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s historic elevation to the Supreme Court, giving President Joe Biden’s nominee a burst of bipartisan support and all but assuring she’ll become the first Black female justice.

The senators from Alaska and Utah announced their decisions Monday night ahead of a procedural vote to advance the nomination and as Democrats pressed to confirm Jackson by the end of the week. GOP Sen. Susan Collins of Maine announced last week that she would back Jackson, noting her “stellar qualifications” as a federal judge, public defender and member of the U.S. Sentencing Commission. More

14 Comments on Senate RINOs Declare Support for Brown Jackson

  1. They don’t care what their constituents want.
    Here in Maine the lying, spineless state GOP just about worship Collins. They’re always carrying on about her being the only Republican from New England in the Senate.
    Some Republican.
    Supposedly she’s not running again but she can’t be trusted.
    When she ran the first time she pledged to only serve two terms. Obviously pledges mean nothing to her.

  2. Well, we’ve know Mittens and Murkowski were traitors – it’s not a revelation.
    Greasy, spineless, grasping pieces of shit.

    “For hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at thee.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Of course, it’s the usual gang of idiots. The only thing surprising about this is that Lindsey Graham didn’t also sign on to it. There needs to be a special place in Hell reserved for people like Collins, Murkowski, and Romney.


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