Senate Select Intel Staffer Targeted Trump Campaign Adviser In Aggressive Leak Campaign – IOTW Report

Senate Select Intel Staffer Targeted Trump Campaign Adviser In Aggressive Leak Campaign

DC: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page was the primary target of a Senate Select Intelligence Committee (SSIC) staffer indicted for lying about his contacts with reporters, according to an indictment released on Thursday.

James Wolfe, the former director of security for the SSIC panel, was in contact with at least three reporters at around the time they published articles about Page, an energy consultant who is a central player in the investigations into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Wolfe, 57, is charged with lying to the FBI during a Dec. 15, 2017 interview about whether he knew the journalists and had contact with them on certain dates. In one case, Wolfe denied knowing a reporter with whom he had been in a romantic relationship for four years. He is also charged with lying about giving that reporter, Ali Watkins, information about Page.

The indictment cites one message that Wolfe wrote in December to Watkins, a former BuzzFeed reporter who now works for The New York Times.

“I always tried to give you as much information that I could and to do the right thing with it so you could get that scoop before anyone else,” Wolfe wrote to Watkins, whom he dated from December 2013 to December 2017.

It is not clear why Wolfe focused his alleged leaking on Page.

Wolfe, who was arrested on Thursday, could not be reached for comment. Page declined comment for this article because he said he is traveling. But he blasted the leak revelations on Twitter, writing: “Too bad misleading [SSIC] leaks brought more terror threats.”

Wolfe has worked for both Democrats and Republicans in his 29-year career. As the director of security for the committee, he was tasked with handling documents and contacting committee witnesses. That put him in frequent contact with Page, who was subpoenaed by the SSIC panel in October.   more here

11 Comments on Senate Select Intel Staffer Targeted Trump Campaign Adviser In Aggressive Leak Campaign

  1. Hillary says, “Concern for the Security of Classified and Top Secret information is over blown”.

    Hillary will never be indicted or prosecuted for her lawless actions.
    You know the two tiered judicial system.

  2. This conspiracy reaches into every nook and cranny of the Obama/Clinton cabal to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. This is yet another thread in the Great Unraveling. More to come shortly. So far, this love smitten rat has only been charged with lying to the FBI. Just watch the excrement hit the revolving blades when the charges are expanded to include disclosing Classified and Secret Intelligence Documents in order to advance his girlfriend’s journalism career.

  3. Total blackout on this by the MSM. The big story every half hour on the station which employs Erick Erickson is the Mueller/Manafort distraction. Somehow, the predictability is comforting.

  4. Sorta makes sense DOJ slow walked/refused/highly redacted documents. If there are to be indictments, info has to be protected not only from leakers, but targets as well.

    The fools are indignant the reporter’s records were collected. If anyone knows the magnitude of NSA collections, it should be DC, but I guess they assumed since they’ve always been untouchable, it would remain so.

    Jessica Liu, US Atty/DC (Trump appointee), is going to be a busy woman. She’s also sitting on McCabe’s case.

    I bet the DC watering holes will see a drop in business. They’ll all retreat to the burbs to drink alone in the safety of their million dollar homes.

  5. “I have a meeting with Carter Page coming up. What would you like to ask him?”

    I would like to ask him when the government will make their official statement that we have now, and have had for a very long time a multi-tiered legal system. And that we just need to acknowledge that and ‘move on’.

  6. Why did he try to ruin Page? Are you sincere?

    He was “bipartisan” as clearly stated in the reference./ “BIpartisan” is progressive speak for UNIPARTY!


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