Senate set to confirm Barrett, in a vote, nominating process with no support from Democrats – IOTW Report

Senate set to confirm Barrett, in a vote, nominating process with no support from Democrats

The the final vote is expected Monday night. The GOP bolstered its vote count this past weekend when Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski announced her support.

26 Comments on Senate set to confirm Barrett, in a vote, nominating process with no support from Democrats

  1. Murkowski still needs to be replaced. She is a snake in the same vein as Romney; but more slimy (if that’s possible).

    And good for soon-to-be Supreme Court Justice Barrett. The empty notepad photo will be the shining beacon for the difference between the corrupt Democrats and Truth and Justice.

  2. “…with no support from Democrats”

    …that’s OK, Democrats NEVER support anything that’s good for America,so that’s just expected behavior at this point and a REAL good indicator that she’s what America needs…

  3. @Claudia:

    Murkowski still needs to be replaced. She is a snake in the same vein as Romney; but more slimy (if that’s possible).

    I agree wholeheartedly, but she is obviously popular with the voters in Alaska or she wouldn’t have won her election as a write-in candidate after losing her primary.

    Hmm. Elections are in November. You don’t suppose a lot of Alaskans are already hibernating for the winter by then?

  4. I’ll feel better when the vote actually takes place and she is confirmed.

    And even better after that when when is sworn in.

    Then I’ll relax about it, not till then.

  5. So NO democrats deem this ace Jurist to be worthy????

    This is another lesson to pin to the forehead of every squishy RINO when they talk crap about bi-partisanship.

    In a real 2-party system, the democrats are ADVERSARIES.

  6. The only reason that President Trump and the republican Senate were forced into a last minute appointment is that the democrats decided it was OK to play with the corpse of RBG for a few sick years. That’s who they are .

  7. Forgive my posting a passing thought…

    Regardless of the election outcome Trump saved the SCOTUS for us. Should he get reelected and maintain the Senate he can replace some of the aging conservatives.

    Who is hosting the celebration party after the vote (7PM) and swearing in later tonight?

  8. Judge Barrett was confirmed back in 2017 by this same Senate for another Fed court position. I want to see the Senate vote from then to the Votes for Supreme Court today. And then I would like those Dem Senators who voted Yes in 2017 to explain why Amy is not good enough for the Supreme Ct today.

  9. @JDHasty (at 4:51 pm): I bet the Dad secretly voted for Trump and then lied about it just so he could get those six bints off his back and die in peace.

    At least that’s what I would have done.

  10. Comparing ObamaNoCare passed without republican support vs Amy Barrett confirmed to SCOTUS without demonrat support. ACB’s confirmation is the much better action. The GOP making the best choice in both cases.

    [well actually I think Zerocare passed in the senate without a single republican vote, but one weasel republican did vote with the dems in the house, don’t recall who it was, but their vote wasn’t needed anyway, the dems had enough votes in the house to pass it without the lone republican vote. Of course later John Roberts saved it despite its unconstitutional path to passage]

  11. “And so it is written now, so it shall be DONE.”


    She will be confirmed at 9:00…

    Watch IT and WATCH OUT.

    This GREAT POTUS got THREE…and they.are.steamed.


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