Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent – Goes To House Vote – IOTW Report

Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent – Goes To House Vote


The US Senate has unanimously passed a bill to make daylight saving time permanent across the nation. The Sunshine Protection Act still has yet to face the House, but would mean an end to changing the clocks twice a year — and an end to depressing early afternoon darkness in winter.

The Sunshine Protection bill was reintroduced by Republican Sen. Marco Rubio in 2021, who said at the time that “many studies have shown that making DST permanent could benefit the economy and the country.” 

The bipartisan bill is “commonsense,” according to co-sponsor Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden.

“Springing forward and falling back year after year only creates unnecessary confusion while harming Americans’ health and our economy,” Wyden said last year. “Making Daylight Saving permanent would give folks an hour back of sunshine during the winter months when we need it most.”

Daylight Saving Time began on Sunday, March 13, and is currently set to last until Sunday, November 6.

50 Comments on Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent – Goes To House Vote

  1. This is from The Babylon Bee, right???
    Don’t tell me why it should be that way now – tell me on December 21 why DST should be perpetual. When the sun doesn’t rise until 9 am and people are going to work/school in pitch black.
    I remember 1974, when we walked to the bus stop in pitch black (and at Los Angeles latitude), in fact more children died that year in auto accidents due to the early DST.

  2. DST is just another way of perpetuating the fakeness that permeates American society. Be it the trans movement, fiat money, reality television, poiliticians giving a shit about the people they serve, the motivations behind green energy, BLM…it’s all fake. It seems there is a reality problem in this country. Standard time is the real thing, and apparently we must run screaming from it. I have given up on most of society and prefer to be left alone.

  3. I think they should compromise and just permanently move DST back thirty minutes and therefore Standard time would move forward thirty minutes…..Hell, what do I know? My tiny community sets off the emergency siren off at 7am, noon, and 6pm to remind people what time of day it is????? NO SHIT!!!!!

  4. I like DST. But I understand the argument for eliminating it.
    But no way should it be permanently 1 hour forward – noon means midday, sun at its peak (with minor longitudinal variation). People can change their business/school hours around it, but permanent DST should be a non-starter.

  5. We should adopt time drift.

    Everything is computer/gps controlled anyhow.

    Drift the time forward 20 seconds per day for spring and 20 seconds backwards per day for fall.

    If the time changes 20 seconds per day forward or backward you’ll never notice and it’ll be the same as it is now but without the abrupt 1 hour switch.

  6. Ferd Berfle
    MARCH 15, 2022 AT 3:51 PM
    “Only the government could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom and think they have a longer blanket…
    ‘Old Indian Wisdom’”

    …except “our” government would cut a foot off the top of a blanket, take 5 inches as a Federal tax, 3 inches as a State tax, 1 inch for Local taxes, 4 inches to fund a new Bureau Of Blanket Adjustment that will spend most of its time assessing whether you having a blanket is cultural appropriation from Native Americans, and will also send you a bill for the 3 inches they spent over what they took AND cite you for not having a blanket of the Federally required length.

  7. The fast food industry/corporations is behind this. PepsiCo, Yum!Brands Inc, Inspire….. .

    “Too late to make supper because (we) stayed out past the kids time to wash and get ready for school tomorrow; Let’s just get takeout.”

  8. I don’t understand all of the whining about changing the clocks twice a year. I, for one, enjoy long summer evenings and I also like having the sun rise before 9am in December.

    Get ready for enraged parents who didn’t figure out that the amount of winter light won’t get any longer – it seems that we need that extra hour of daylight in the morning rather than in the evening.

  9. The days for changing DST and ST around were carefully chosen to minimize inconvenience and danger. Congress then intervened (iirc, the same year they outlawed incandescent light bulbs), as only politicians can, and changed the days to make DST longer… to save the world from climate change. Now, every time the time changes, there is a spike in the number of auto-pedestrian and auto-bicycle accidents.

    I don’t like Spring forward, but I also prefer later sunset to earlier sunrise in the Summer. All year DST is asinine.

  10. I’d rather stay on Standard time. Evenings here in the summer go to 10:00 and I’d rather have more daylight in the morning. But if an hour forward permanently is the price, I support the measure to do away with the time shifts.

  11. They need to redraw the Time Zone boundaries as well.

    When I lived in Louisville, in the height of Summer the sun set at 10 PM!
    It was the far West side of EST.
    When I lived in Panama City Beach, it set an hour earlier because we were on the far East of Central time.
    Boston was not fair either.
    Houston was ideal if you ask me.
    Vegas could stand longer sun…

  12. DST was done to benefit farmers & school kids at the bus stop….if we don’t observe it…. in the dead of winter, here in vagina, it’ll still be dark@ 9am! It’s a royally stupid idea & just another political prevarication to even consider this law.
    BTW; NO ONE loses or gains an hour… there is still 24 hours in a day. That’s an excuse of the perpetually late.

  13. Like jacking up prices then having a sale even though you’re still paying more, then having the shop owner tell you what a deal you’re getting.

    Typical gov’t move to do the exact opposite of normal, hosing everyone in the process. Standard time has been perfect for 1000’s of years…until the modern morons in Congress got a hold of it, like everything else they touch.

    Or as the Old Chief said, “Only the government could cut the top off a blanket sew it to the bottom and say it’s a longerblanket.”

  14. Since most everything is computerized, a lot of software will need to be re-written for this. Not all of it will go well. We’re just getting rid of bad clock radios that got screwed up by Bush’s folly of moving the time change rules in 2005!

  15. “Many studies have shown that making DST permanent, could benefit the economy and our country”.

    Springing forward and falling back year after year only creates unnecessary confusion while harming American’s health and our economy”.

    Two statements right there, that will make sure nothing is done.
    This administration doesn’t give a that’s patoot about our health not the economy.
    In fact, whatever can permanently damage both of those things, are what our CONgress will embrace.

  16. I know some farmers. They don’t care what the clock says. Some will work all night because they share tractors and that’s when their turn is. The cows don’t care about our time-keeping either.

    DST became a thing because of war time. Europe was long up before we were and burning daylight while sleeping wasn’t helping.

    Really that simple.

    I can go with whatever, but if it’s dawn before 5 am, it gets kind of weird. It doesn’t do a thing for me if people don’t want anyone in their home until after 8 or 8:30 am.

    Getting dark early is the thing I don’t want. I’m good with sunset closer to 10 pm. lol

  17. hey! let’s eliminate time zones while we’re at it! why does Kali get to wake up 3 hours late? 😛

    civilization is on a downhill slope, picking up speed … so, let’s just go back to the Romans & get our sundials out … 6 am is when the sun comes up, 6 pm is when the sun goes down
    we’re all GPS’ed anyway … simple algorithm

  18. many studies have shown that making DST permanent could benefit the economy and the country

    All studies have shown that going Khmer Rouge on our current “betters”, will ABSOLUTELY benefit the economy and the country.

  19. @ joe6pak MARCH 15, 2022 AT 9:03 PM”

    Pure jeenyus! Love it.

    I’m voting Joe for Time Czar.

    You know, back in Biblical times, hours were measured by how long after dawn.

    6 am sunrise for us would mean 9am = the 3rd hour, Noon = the 6th hour, etc.. Every single day being measured like this no matter the season. Pretty darn close to what Joe suggested.

    Your day starts when the sun rises. That ought to jack up the industrial world. Maybe don’t let the NWO hear about it. They’ll eat anything.

  20. The Costco closes earlier on Sunday. EVERY Sunday. Opens earlier on Saturday. EVERY Saturday.

    And I should listen to time strategeries from people that think changing the numbers on the, local, clock matters?

    I’ll gets right on that.

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